Sunday, March 14, 2010


The name Manipur Chakra defines it as seat of shining palace. It is also called naval plexus where ten nerves conjoin to form a plexus. These nerves connect with Lever, spleen, small intestine, large intestine, heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, Gall bladder, adrenal glands, lower and middle back etc. It is connecting almost all the vital parts of our body and most important, it is most visible Chakra or plexus to our naked eye.

The Manipur Chakra is at the center of the body. It is the largest energy center in our body, influencing the digestion process in two ways. Firstly it helps assimilation of food and secondly strengthens universal life force i.e. Prana. It is from this plexus that universal life force radiates and distributes throughout our body system, regulating and energizing the activity of the various organs, systems and processes of life. At physical level a poorly managed Manipur Chakra pulls downs vitality of the body, increases nervousness and depression of a person.

It governs the sense of accomplishment, will, ego, vital energies, seed of personality, self esteem, confidence or insecurity, personal power, being self. It is also the Astral center of a person. The mind sets personal boundaries of what we can do and what we cannot do. The energy level is constantly changing at this plexus and therefore it is also the center of transformation.

Our personal growth and change stems from this center. The more it is balanced the more we are balanced in our work and accomplishments. An imbalance at this center takes away our ability to put idea into action. Also we may not understand situation and our role into it. A poorly managed Manipur Chakra gives inflated ego and self righteous behavior.

Awakening of this Chakra is nothing but unblocking of all conjoining nerves thus bringing balance to the energy that is generated at this Chakra. It is at this Chakra we become truly human if the consciousness or awareness which was preoccupied with personal matters transforms into universal awareness. The emotions become more subtle and richer. It is very important for person to exercise control over these emotions as these can bring great influences on the world and people around them.

It is at this plexus, the meditator can acquire the powers of “ESP”. It is at this Chakra one can experience emergence of ability of extra sensory perceptions. This ability of extra sensory perceptions makes a person hear extra sounds and other voices. It is also possible that subtle temptations may take over a person and he may fall for money, sex and power thus blocking his development.

Other than physical body or human body shell, we all possess universal life force shell, Thought or mind shell, Intellectuality shell and Transcendental Cosmic shell. All these bodies are subtler then each other. Transcendental Cosmic Shell is subtlest. All these bodies are connected with each other at this plexus. When we die except our physical body, all other bodies get disconnected and go their own way.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


The word yoga suggests union between mind, body and spirit. The appropriateness is not in meaning of the word but establishing connection of mind with individual cosmic consciousness and then with universal cosmic consciousness to attain spiritual enlightenment.

It is subject of great debate for a layman to decide starting point in yoga practice, as there are eight sections or extensions to manage body, mind and emotions. It all depends on temperament, constitution of mind and capacity to absorb techniques and philosophies of each individual. Everybody has to decide his own starting point to progress on this path of enlightenment. Each person has to decide his own direction and how he is going to reach there.

With balancing also comes the mastering of feelings and thoughts. The eight sections or extensions on which the whole system of yoga is founded are as follows.

1) Yama------------Abstaining from all form of evilness and falsehood.
2) Niyama----------Observance of mind
3) Asanas----------Postures
4) Prayanama-------Breathing exercises or mastering universal life force.
5) Pratyahara------Withdrawal of mind.
6) Dharna----------Concentration.
7) Dhyana----------Meditation.
8) Samadhi---------Absorption in pure consciousness.

To connect with individual cosmic consciousness, one has to manage mind and then body. There are special techniques to bring mind, body and spirit in perfect harmony. These techniques include no only toning the muscles and joints but entire endocrine system to vitalize them. While using exercise techniques, philosophical techniques are required to condition mind by cultivating universal love, wisdom and compassion. Also powerful breathing techniques are used to recharge whole body system with universal life force energy. Last but not the least, meditation techniques are used t o bring inner peace, allowing mind to explore higher realms of consciousness.

Meditation is nothing but a process of reversing the mind, of finding cause to the appearance and the cause to the cause till it reaches deepest truth. The necessary preliminary stage is to concentrate on an object element, then to concentrate intensely to take it far off till it reaches it object. There are four stages of concentration. The first stage is examination stage, where the mind becomes concentrated with the element. The second stage is distinction state where the outer surface of the element is penetrated. The third stage is the joyful peace, where we start experiencing perceptions with inner peace and fourth stage is simple awareness of individual cosmic spirit.

It is said that there are five shells or covers on the soul. These five layered existence of human being is as follows.

1) Annamaya Kosha---------------Human body shell.
2) Pranamaya Kosha--------------Universal life force shell
3) Manomaya Kosha---------------Thought or mind shell
4) Vidnyanamaya Kosha-----------Intellectuality shell.
5) Anandamaya Kosha-------------Transcendental cosmic shell.

All these techniques help breaking one shell after another, allowing conscious energy of our mind to flow through them; till it reaches transcendental cosmic shell to experience transcendental unity of mind with individual cosmic spirit.

Once this path of enlightenment is established, our mind undergoes process of forethought, where emotional and psychological conditioning is necessary to control consciousness flowing through body senses. Once conscious energy attains enlightenment, then no purpose of these senses is left for the soul. This is the state of liberation.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Due to Scientific research, we all share the knowledge about how evolution of human body takes place through conception of male spermatozoa and female ovules within human bodies. Probably what we do not know that apart from being judged as mere physical matter, at sublime level it is just a shell or an abode to the most powerful and dynamic element called soul, an omnipresence of individual consciousness.

Our sustenance in this world depends on two life force energies, one called universal life force energy and another called universal cosmic energy. In eastern scriptures, universal life force energy is called “Prana Shakti” and universal cosmic energy is called “Kundalini Shakti”.

Universal life force energy plays active and passive role depending upon her flow through different plexus and also because of her adaptability to any kind of environment we live in. Thus this life force plays multi dimensional role and appears different at physical, psychological and emotional level of all human being. However universal cosmic energy has singular role of bringing sense of awareness or so called sense of being with.

The flow of these two energies is regulated through three nerves running from base of spinal cord to the head connecting all plexus through complex network of nerves. In eastern scriptures these three nerves are called “Ida”, “Pingala” and “Sushumna” or “Moon”, “Sun” and “Cosmic” nerve. The most important role of life force is to connect mind and body by infusing dynamism at all levels of mind and body. Not only our mind and body but this entire universe is live, active and flowing in rhythm due to this life force. Flowing in through right nostril and flowing out through left nostril completes the circuit of one breath of life force. At physical level although it takes few seconds to complete one breath, but that is enough for this life force which travels with speed of light, through main seven plexus and thousands of nerves; to charge billions of cells in our body, making them dynamic and active.

There are chiefly seven plexus in our body which are as follows.
1) Pelvic Plexus or Root Plexus or Muladhar Chakra.
2) Hypo gastric Plexus or Sacral Plexus or Swadhisthan Chakra.
3) Epigastric Plexus or Solar Plexus or Manipur Chakra.
4) Cardiac Plexus or Heart Plexus or Anahat Chakra.
5) Carotid Plexus or Vishudha Chakra.
6) Medulla Plexus or Adnya Chakra.
7) Cerebral Plexus or Sahastraar Chakra.

This energy is the last link between mind and body completing the circle by being as spirit between mind and body. Located at the root of spinal cord, it is said that universal cosmic energy is like serpent power, lying curled, with her tail into her mouth, sleeping below cosmic nerve in locked state, her head pointing towards downward direction. As long as it is sleeping, we loose many psychic powers available to manage natural balance between physical, psychological and emotional subtleties of our mind and body. However if this cosmic energy is awakened by meditation, breathing or any kind of yogic exercises and is allowed to enter cosmic nerve or Sushumna nerve, it rises on the top of the head and unites with the seat of universal cosmic consciousness.

Her awakening completely changes not only body but thoroughly changes emotional and psychological aspects of a person. When the veil of delusion is peeled away and the shell is broken, then the true innermost self is revealed. The mind ends its constant wavering between regrets of the past and uncertain future and comes to present moment. It is here one can experience higher plane of consciousness unknown to mankind.

This awakening process is not simple that can be brought in an hour. It has to be earned through years and years of meditation, breathing and postural exercises. Also several principles have to be adhered to experience this journey of self fulfillment. Important among them is self discipline which includes refraining from immorality, regular practice, truthfulness, non-violence and celibacy. Eating pure vegetarian food and drinking lot of water keeps body light and also keeps our mind calm. Sex brings attachment but complete suppression is also not necessary. It should be reduced and controlled as much as possible. Sleeping required by the body should be given. Relaxation of mind to release tension, stress, fear and worry is important to increase inner concentration and greater awareness. Positive thinking, patience and gentleness are other principles one has to follow to bring greater inner awareness about thought, speech and action to succeed in life.

However this duration can be shortened if it is done under expert instructor who himself should be down to earth, has attained enlightenment with universal cosmic consciousness and can warn his student indulging in any kind of adventures to refrain from it. Self realization is not a point but a process which connects us with timeless eternity where there is pure joy and an experience of nothingness.