Saturday, December 19, 2009


Can any one believe that the true shapers of our lives are our beliefs which not only control our lives but create or destroy them? Certain events occur in our lives on which we do not have control because they are part of our destiny. For example it is our destiny that we are born in a particular family or country.

What exactly is belief? It is only just a thought or an idea where feeling of sureness is associated. This feeling of sureness comes from our past experiences or references which make a distinction between idea and belief. This certainty comes from the knowledge which has access to the answers. These experiences and references act like foundation and can bring change to all kind of possibilities.

Experiences and references are foundations to our beliefs. If we have enough reference experiences then we easily develop the belief. If they are backed up by our own experience then we start treating them as reality. Some of these beliefs come through imagination but as these beliefs lack reference experiences, we may not feel that strong to these beliefs. Depending upon how we adopt, these beliefs leave positive and negative impact on our lives.

These beliefs have power to keep away pain or bring more pain because holdings these beliefs are not important but its interpretations are more important. We have to adopt methodology to interpret them. Interpreting these beliefs involves close observation of whether beliefs allow us to use our best of our energy or they weaken us from within. Since they are based on past experiences, there are some limitations in using them to make further decisions. Hence it is quite possible that we may treat these beliefs as reality. If this happens our life might lead to stagnation as they may not allow using our virtues to its fullest.

Every event that we pass through offers unique experience. Generalizing beliefs is nothing but asking our conscious mind to hand over the control to our sub-conscious mind where all actions done repeatedly are controlled. We tend to make generalization about what we learn from these experiences. These generalized beliefs though simplify our lives, our decisions making power becomes defective and faulty. They are prone to go wrong and if this happens then the experience becomes agonizing. So we have to check our beliefs and have to avoid making generalization because they carry emotions like happiness and sorrow through our lives.

Beliefs are classified into three categories depending upon the emotional force attached like opinions or views, beliefs and convictions. View is something we feel sure about where surety is for a brief period because it can be easily changed. Beliefs carry more certainty as we are emotionally close and have strong references foundation. Sense of certainty is more in belief. Conviction doesn’t carry confidence but it carries high degree of commitment and dedication and passion to the idea. Holding conviction is sometimes dangerous as we do not look at the likelihood of inaccuracy. Such rigidity ultimately put us to long term failure. But the positive side of the conviction is they empower us to work passionately towards our goal. If one has to create mastery into any area of work, we have to boost belief to the level of conviction.

If I have to create convictions then there are five steps we should follow. 1) Create the basic belief. 2) Reinforce the belief with new and more powerful reference. 3) Find a bigger event or create one. 4) Ask question to bring about emotional intensity. 5) Take action which will strengthen our commitment and dedication to the level of conviction.

Let us look at them through the third eye. Beliefs are like co-travelers in our lives. Let them be part of our lives but let us not hold them to simplify our lives. Once they enrich our lives let us release them from our consciousness or help people with empowering thoughts to create their lives.

More articles on the authors personal website

Friday, December 4, 2009

How to get success in life

There are two characteristics which bring inadequacies in our lives. First is self Doubt and second is restricted awareness of our ability to do things in lives.

The inadequacies come in our lives due to lack of desire to lift ourselves, our condition in life. The moment we become conscious of so many things in our life, we have to keep ourselves saying that I have to lift myself, I must lift my financial status and I will lift my financial status.

If someone asks me if I face shortfalls and limitations of success in life, I just say that is part of my destiny. I sure face inadequacies when I see people flaunting money in driving in fast cars, owning and living in high rise building where only rich people stay. I certainly envy them but does it solve my problem? It doesn’t solve in fact it starts amassing pessimism in our minds.

We do so many things in our life when we are forced by conditions to do. We decide only when circumstances get created for that moment. We wait for circumstances take charge of the situation and impose virtual outcome, which some times go against our wishes.

However to improve chances of success in life, the most simple method is to focus on what are the inadequacies which compel us to compromise with situation. Well everyone will point it to wealth as the thing most missed by them. But I would say, it is skill or specialized knowledge that brings wealth is most missed by us.

The search doesn’t end with skill or knowledge that we are short of but how to get the skill and attitude is more important. Last but not the least, how much time we are ready to invest to get skill is more important. Generally it is seen that we are always in a hurry so we always think on a short term basis. Here is what we make the mistake.

Normally when the object is set like getting a skill and knowledge, it is always better to think on long term basis. Because grasping capacity of each individual is of different level. Some may grasp early but most of us take longer time to grasp. Grasping power is directly related to our interest and commitment we have to the cause or reason. The more we relate to ourselves to the cause, the more we generate commitment. Here the cause or the reason is removing inadequacies from our lives. So the more the commitment to remove inadequacies the more we get focused and the more the focus the more we are ready to think on longer terms. This brings consistency in our thinking, which ultimately removes chance attitude. Such person is destined to remove all his inadequacies not only from his life but from the social surroundings in which they live.

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Friday, November 20, 2009


Our civilization dates back to some 5000 years ago, when people use to live in most hostile and inhospitable conditions. For them the word God referred to one supreme holy being, the divine unity of ultimate reality and of ultimate goodness. The one who is elusive, abstract and baffling notion, religious layers started appearing around it, with each scholar and thinker establishing his own rationale and giving its mental representation and interpretations to this idea. It was during this era, idea of god took firm root in the minds of people with such unflinching faith and belief entrenched in their minds even today.

God is considered as the source of life force flowing through this universe with various variations but is difficult to define. Truth, knowledge, wealth, conduct, faith, happiness etc. are the intense driving powers of cosmic energy which is omnipresent in each individual right from its moment of birth. Each and every creature, originated from master creator possesses inherent qualities of cosmic divinity which undoubtedly gets manifest in the form of deriving powers that energizes the creature. Neither being time nor space, concept of god leads towards absolute one only experienced in transcendental state of mind.

In hindu theology, this eternity is infinite as it doesn’t suffer any loss of energy under any circumstances therefore it is called “Avyaya” or imperishable. It is serene and dispassionate therefore it is called “Avikari” or impartial. It is indestructible therefore it is called “Avinashi” or undestroyable. Its occurrence is without any birth therefore it is called “Anaadi” or deathless. Since it is not incalculable therefore it is called “Anant” or infinite. As it continues in identical state be it past, present or future so it is called “Sanatan” or eternal. Every materiality in this universe exists within him that’s why it is called “Advaita” or sole. Since this energy transcends in all, so it is free from every fear.

This fundamental constituent always remains equal and identical in neutral state hence it is called “Saat” or absolute truth. It illuminates and gives radiance to all creatures and earthly world hence it is called “Chit-Chetan” or “Chaitanyamaya” or divine cosmic light. Everybody in this universe finds happiness in his close proximity therefore it is called “Anandamaya” or divine happiness. Its presence is thorough and absolute in each and every where within every materiality and outside it too. There is no place where it cannot manifest therefore it is called “Vibhu or Sarva-vyapak” or omnipresent. This eternity remains unconnected and isolated for that reason it is called “Asang”. It is devoid of ego consequently it is called “Akarta” or super ego. It is neither measurable by any system of cast or figure, understanding, imaginativeness, rationality, notion or substantiality neither through any device nor through any conceptualization; consequently it is called “Aprameya”. Since it dwells in the heart of every creature it is named as “Atma” or soul. What is more it regulates this entire universe through its enormous power so it is called master of the universe or super spiritual being. He is "over all and through all and in all"

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Religion the most misunderstood thing

In Geeta it is said by Lord Krishna that our body is like chariot whose faith and Belief are its two wheels. Our intelligence or thoughts are like horses. The soul is the charioteer, who reins these horses and embodied mind is perceiver sitting in the chariot who experiences the divinity of the spiritual path.

Scholars indicate that fundamental religious quest of our life is self discovery besides make this life meaningful and experience divinity along with getting freedom from cycle of birth and death, where does the religion stand? What does is mean by religion?

I was awestruck when during my factual research about religion came face to face with an amazing fact that there are six major demographic regions where myriad religions and several “ism” are followed irrespective of language of communication. More difficult is the answer to question; how many decades ago religion started taking shape. Needless to say, it must be quite different from what is prevailing today. The metamorphosis that occurred was sometimes good, sometimes bad and sometimes frightening as violent religious conflicts brought mankind to its knees.

Even if we go into the question whether God exists or not, most of the world religions believe that as a living process, life is eternal and its source is one who some may call God, Allah, Ishwar or Tao. Religion is very complex process helping us connects with divinity of God or absolute one who with his infinite cosmic power created this entire universe. It is the process interacting continuously with us to move closer with the infinite creator and experience its divinity.

Again unless all entities like body, mind intelligence and behavior are involved in this cognitive thought process whose faith and Belief are dynamic wheels, we cannot understand the idea of God or religion in totality. Religion encompasses cultural traditions, ethics, practices related to spiritual faith and personal convictions. Historical developments, origin of social and psychological roots also are part of religion. Religion also includes Fictional religion, alternative beliefs, mysticism, ritualism, and esotericism. The list is endless.

Rigidity in faith and belief is nothing but conditioning of mind where fourth dimension that is time is not taken into consideration. Water stagnant in any storage place for a few days starts stinking and becomes breading ground for all kind of decease causing germs and bacteria. Conditioning cannot get brought about instantaneously. This process starts taking shape over a period of time. Social customs, religious festivals and rules created by community of people and groups provide framework to conditioning. Hence religion which was observed or followed 3000 years ago is not adopted today and what we are practicing today would find space in history tomorrow.

Man’s conditions of life, his perceptions and outlook, his attitude of mind, both toward himself and toward any possible Creator, have all changed so enormously in the last sixty or seventy years that we face an almost a new situation. Hence every individual who underestimates the dynamism of religion will have to accept that faith and belief should not be inflexible like our stubborn habits, where a particular habit once gets well established prevents other changes occurring in the brain. Hence it is by understanding faith and belief in particular, we can truly understand religion of today.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

System and Processes key to achieve Objectives & Goals

A few days ago my friend called to ask me if I am going to make any resolution this year. I first thought of asking what resolution he is going to make this year as the year end was approaching very near. But then I put off this question simply by saying, I have not given much thought on that so why think now?

But the question kept ringing in my mind on and off for the whole day. I have been keeping these resolutions for every year, thinking they would probably help transform my life. Unfortunately I take them seriously no more than two to three days. Then again they are buried under the carpet with a pledge to look at them sincerely in the coming days.

Why we fail to stand by them? I can call it a modern world’s Paradox. Making a declaration is like setting objective or goal without any substance. Without any well defined period, managing this goal becomes risk. Gradually we start overlooking them and one fine day, we find them gradually vanishing from our lives. The best way to achieve them lies in the fact that if we necessitate to manage them, we have to set system and cognitive processes to monitor their achievability and how we seal off the distance each day towards them.

System is nothing but putting together all entities in totality. These entities in our case is body, mind, intelligence and behavior to bring out the integrated whole. Cognitive process is the process of thought to develop concepts. What are these systems and informed processes and how to personalize these system and processes needs objective thinking and observance of our strengths and weaknesses we possess.

The foremost process required is to give up our ego. This brings all our conflicts going within our conscious mind to minimal. The moment we surrender, we discover deep peace within. The conscious energy attached to our strong views gets detached from it making us unargumentative and non-impulsive. Slowly and steadily cognitive process of thought starts shaping our concepts as well as ideas and puts them together piece by piece; to support all our entities like mind, body, intelligence and behavior in totality.

More important since there is no conflict and arguments within us, the spiritual attribute becomes reality in our lives which emanates through our interpersonal relations with our loved ones. Not only that the spiritual energy connects us with our objectives and goals so precisely that we see our goal achieved effortlessly without any disagreement and opposition.

Fear is a psychological condition and it emerges from danger. The greatest fear is the fear of death which makes us vulnerable to all kind of anxiety which is like a constant companion. These emotions block of our vision and create false projections of our future. Once we surrender, all our fear, inertia and indecisions disappear to give clear vision of path to reach our goal or objective.

But we have to be careful and watch deep within our conscious mind of any thought that tries to condition or create any resistance in our mind. Let the surrender be our first step to setting systems and processes to achieve each and every goal in our life.

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Root of Our Existence or Muladhar Chakra

There are seven plexus or stimulating points in our body which are invariably connected to the brain. They are as follows.
1) Muladhar Chakra or Pelvic Plexus
2) Swadhisthan Chakra or Hypogastric Plexus
3) Manipur Chakra or Solar Plexus
4) Anahad Chakra or Cardiac Plexus
5) Vishudha Chakra or Pharyngeal Plexus
6) Adnya Chakra or Cavernous Eye Plexus
7) Sahastraar Chakra or Cerebrum
Every plexus is conjoining point to number of nerves. First plexus called Muladhara is said to be located at the base of the spine in the vicinity of the coccygeal plexus beneath the sacrum. In hindu scriptures lot is written about it but is shrouded with secrecy and concealing the real meaning. Some scriptures have said that conscious energy lies here in circled serpent form it’s tail held in its mouth thus locking its power. The three psysic nerves emerge from this plexes called ida, pingla and sushumna. They are also called Surya Nadi, Chandra Nadi and Sushumna Nadi. If this conscious energy is awakened and if it passes through Sushumna Nadi, then a person goes in higher transcendance.

There are four nerves conjoined with each other; each acting as arousing point for initiating a particular type of behavior. I would call them basix urges important for evolution and existence of life on this earth. These urges are eating, sleeping, sex and fear. People with subdued conscious energy of the lowest spiritual order; are found to indulge or have excessive desires of this kind or show intense earthy behavior pattern generated by their mind. It is not that they cannot alter these patterns. If they choose to regulate their conscious energy flowing freely through this base plexus, they can assure themselves of better life. These urges are like driving powers compelling them to run through an acts giving rise to more bondage and greater unhappiness. These are some of the basic points which I have touched.

I can give living example of my younger brother-in-law who being youngest was parented with excessive pamper througout his childhood. Unfortunately due to spoilt friend circle, he was introduced to drinking alcohol even before his marriage. Slowly and slowly this drinking habit went out of control to such extent that his firmness of purpose started giving way. He was unable to take business decisions independently. Whatever money he had, was cheated by his friends and business associates. To avoid his creditors, he closed down his shop under some guise and started sitting at home. Even though his brothers and sistors gave their uncomparable assistance in whatever they form they could, his boozing abuse heightened to such a level, that he started borrowing money from his close relatives. Then came the turn of close acquaintances. Honesty and integrity got substituted by lies and deceit to such a level that not only people but his brothers and sistors began shying away from him. Even more than that his addiction to alcohol had taken toll of his health.
This is how unintelligent use or abuse of conscious energy can transform any person from Darling to Unpleasant person or it can transform a person of animal nature to Spiritual being.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

How to achieve Neutrality in Life

There are five subtle bodies in our physical bodies.
1) Physical body
2) Metaphysical body
3) Astral body
4) Cosmic body
5) Soul
Consciousness travels seamlessly between all these bodies throughout the day. Every level will bring in knowledge of new identity which we have; apart from physical body. To get this knowledge it is imperative and essential to connect with these bodies and get our real identity.
When we look into the mirror we become aware of our body. At metaphysical level, we have awareness of sickness and deceases. Astral body brings awareness of our likes, dislikes emotions, fears, desires, perceptions attachments with our loved ones. Cosmic body being closer to soul gives deep contentment. It is divine touch of soul to our conscious energy that brings about neutrality and real detachment.
The more we detach our conscious energy from our physical body, metaphysical body and astral body, the more we get closer to neutrality. Conscious energy detaches from our physical body, metaphysical body and astral body and gradually comes back to soul where it starts identifying itself with soul.
Conscious energy always recognizes images and sounds that are stored in our body in the form of memory. It attaches itself so strongly with them that we are unable to break free from these relations. Any relation of our loved ones like mom, dad, brother and sisters so strongly bonded that breaking free is really a tuff task. Their memories are stored and are part of our astral body which is connected by conscious energy to the cosmic body that in turn is connected to soul. These relations form part of our past life so they are with us in this birth.
While the divine spiritual power illuminates the whole universe, by the same token powers of mind turn as guiding light in determining duties as well as responsibilities concerning each and every human being moving on the earth. It promptly goes in the process of finding allusive clue to each and every complex question pertaining to fair or unfair, benevolence or non-benevolence, friendship or rivalry, loss or gain, responsibility or non responsibility, partial or impartial, appropriation or misappropriation.
Truth, knowledge, wealth, conduct, faith, happiness etc. are the intense driving powers of cosmic energy. Each and every creature, created by master creator of this universe is always under gripping powers that drives the creature. Even though we don’t like any relation we are compelled to perform with them till these memories gets released from our mind. Once released, we sense, we no longer need them and gradually try to get free from that relation.
At a time it is difficult to understand why these relations with people have so gripping power on our mind. It takes time to understand these driving forces of divine cosmic power. I just have no clue to the question some people ask me as to why should they be neutral if they are good to other people and they are happy with it. It is again their discreetness which they have to use in determining if this happiness is permanent of temporary.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Misconceptions about Conscious Energy

The other day I was reading a leading national newspaper which invites eminent people from all walk of life to write on spirituality and religion. They publish these articles under the banner of “Speaking Tree”.
The gentleman an eminent atheist and fierce speaker on “Geeta”; wrote something which kept intriguing my mind throughout the day. The article said something that was beyond my imagination, shaking my spiritual foundation from its core.
The article said “The consciousness in each of us is like fish that jumps to explore beyond the ocean and explore the unknown. If you do not insulate yourself from the negative forces, there will be leakage of energies that will hamper your growth. So we should not struggle in life and not allow negativity to control your life”.
After reading this article, suddenly I found my imagination was trying to explore some kind of storage place holding conscious energy some where in our mind which might start falling apart and escaping out due to negative energy piercing this storage place.
I admire this gentleman for putting such provocative and misleading concept unconvincingly before the world without giving any consideration to the source of this energy. Firstly the source of our conscious energy is soul but lies in locked condition in a small pocket below the last vertebra called “Kundalini Shakti”. It lies in dormant condition till it is awakened. Secondly this whole universe is filled with conscious power of absolute one, whom some may call God. Thirdly soul neither gives energy nor takes energy. Fourthly there is no vacuum in this universe. Any vacuum left is always filled by another substituting energy.
Coming to the point if we bring negative energies in our mind, these energies weaken our conscious energy by displacing or substituting them. The soul doesn’t suffer any loss of energy due to this displacement of positive energy with negative energy. It is like uninterrupted orderly breathing system that exists in our body. This breathing though monotonous is independent also beyond our control. We cannot stop this process. So I ask you, what is the best way to live in this world? Yes the best way is to be neutral. Let these desire come and go, we must float on them without fear of any loss of energy.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

My Tryst with Conscious Energy

My pursuit of self realization started when I was 21 years old. Due to job I had to leave Mumbai and relocate myself to Kolkata famous for Rossogulla. I use to stay alone in an office which was isolated structure just opposite a busy commercial area called Bada Bazaar; a thoroughfare quite noisy during daytime and but far silent during night. This silence rekindled my interest in reading books. Also being new to this city, I avoided making friends and utilised most of my time searching and reading religious books little knowing that I was turning whole lot of critical books ranging from spiritual science, occult science, psychological science, ancient scripts and philosophical books etc. Without knowing sufficient reasons for doing all this reading at that time, now I realize after 35 years that All-powerful cosmic power was attempting to lay foundations or should I say, tough but dominant path to self realization through meditation. Here some of the essential teachings and my unusual spiritual experiences throughout this deep transcendental journey.
I was 21 years old when I had strong feeling to sit in meditation. I think it just started happening without my knowledge. I use to eat my dinner at around 8.30 in the night at a place which was just 5 minutes walk from my office. It was an eatery where many people; unable to cook there food like me use to visit. I use to wait till it took my turn to come. Once through I use to come back and read books or sit in meditation.
In my mediation, I use to focus my attention a little above in my head between my eyes. The first feeling I became aware of was the feeling of being connected to something. At that time I would not understand or was not able to identify this feeling of connectedness. But slowly through reading and referring many spiritual books; I realized it was some great power or energy with whom I was getting connected. This power was flowing seamlessly throughout my body from toe to my head where I use to concentrate my mind intently. Sometimes I use to loose awareness of my body and was devoid of my identity. At a time I even felt that my ears cannot pickup any outside sound. There was intense stillness and deep calm till I would suddenly start gaining consciousness of my surrounding atmosphere. Though unwillingly but this energy would come down and would flow again from head to toe slowly and steadily bringing me back in this conscious world. Slowly and steadily I could again pickup the sounds and would become aware of this outside world.
This was my first acquaintance with this free flowing energy which ultimately laid my spiritual journey.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Rediscovring Power of Mind (Part 3) Human Biology to Thought Process

After writing this blog, I received many mails which said they did not follow what I had written. It is not the question of whether to believe or not to believe what I had written. Perhaps to understand this process thoroughly; it is important to understand biological aspect of our body and working of our mind. External environment initiates thought which arouses response and this leads to action. This response could be anything from fear, anxiety, hunger, likes and dislikes etc. I wish to call them emotions with which we identify ourselves by saying yes these are my emotions. These voluntary or involuntary emotions slowly and steadily take control of our body and start shaping and monitoring them day in and day out thus constituting our ego or our false identity.
What is a thought or how come these emotions get attached to the thought? I think to understand this process; we must separate ourselves from our false identity created by our mind where manifestation of our ego is reflected. This false identity takes control of our body and we act as directed by our ego.
Let us work it out this logic biologically. Brain is the center of all nervous system of human beings and is extremely complex. Central cortex of human brain contains 15 to 33 billion neurons depending upon the age and gender. These neurons communicate with each other to carry light, sound, touch and various other stimuli or signal pulses to distant part of the brain or body. The most important biological function of the brain is to generate behavior. Brains control behavior either by activating muscle contraction, or by causing secretion of chemicals such as hormones. Every cell in our body is capable of extracting information from the environment in which it lives and acts in response to it. These responses are called emotions, desires, urges and needs. It is a bundle of motor neurons which forms link with every sensory organ, object, image, memory or subject. As soon as we think about any subject, these neurons get connected to it and form a strand. The more the thought of any subject the more the strands gets added on it thus forming thick bundle of neurons. Hence a pure thought becomes desire due to compulsive thinking and compulsive thinking of same desire leads to formation of a habit. Furthermore compulsive habits turn into addictions moreover addictions are nothing but utter falsification of mind.

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rediscovering Power of Mind (Part-2)-How mind operates

Noble thoughts empower our mind to initiate good desires eventually leading to superior actions and so is vice-versa. These desires grow in our heart and make us happy or unhappy depending upon its ethical and unethical virtue. Finally successful or unsuccessful life of an individual entirely depends on his conscious or subconscious purposeful and discerning desires.
Stimulus in our mind gives rise to physical action. Body movement in child, his cries or his overwhelming joy is nothing but an act of ecstasy in his mind. Human body cannot function unless he is ordered by his mind to perform these functions. In the same fashion, heart through its energy after receiving sensation or stimulation; produces a thought which transforms into a desire. Thus if we observe minutely we will realize that our heart too, after passing through these three stages namely stimulation, a thought or an urge; finally directs our body to perform or act in a manner we desire.

For example, the moment we are beaten by a mosquito, this bite causes instant eruption of undesirable sensation which is passed to the brain by sensory nerves. These approaching sensations activate pain diagnosing center of the brain to analyze this pain. Comprehending it to be an unfavourable pain, our brain then releases a thought to calm ourselves from this pain. Eventually command is received by our hand to unfly mosquito biting us. This is how external convulsion of hand, unflying mosquito; takes place.

From this example, at least, it is distinctively clear that any honest or dishonest act, consciously or subconsciously performed by each and every individual is initiated; when stimulation or sensation, evolution of thought or emotion and a powerful action erupts, to carry out their individual piece of working. There is no power other than these three; who can motivate us to perform and accomplish our objective in this world. Occasionally concealed and also deep seated pleasant and unpleasant memories in our subconscious mind give rise to undesirable volatility. These memories present in our subconscious mind, prevail on us to take unwanted actions. Finally there are primary urges particularly sex, anger, greed, possession and personal ego who influence our mind to get connected to them; without undergoing elated actions.

If we co-ordinate these three energies in flawless equilibrium and try to harness them through unrestricted meditation; than we can successfully achieve considerable success in performing our earthly responsibilities as well as achieving divine pleasure.

The ratio of development of these three energies depends entirely on our efforts in coordinating their stages of development. To say the least, the less the co-ordination in developing these three energies in equality, the more unhappiness would appear in our lives. How much creative or non-creative an individual might be; uniting these three energies in perfect equilibrium is the ultimate key to deepest contentment.

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Rediscovering Power of Mind (Part-1)-Origin of Thought

I wrote this blog when I read an article in a Hindi magazine 15 years ago. After I read his article which was originally written in Hindi, I decided to translate it in English so that many people around the world will read it. My sincere gratitude to the author who wrote the article.


Meaning: Purification of mind and limiting physical urges leads to acquisition of sublime truthfulness. Truthfulness leads to creation of depth in rational thinking. Profoundness in rational thinking follows rise in spirituality within. Enrichment in spirituality within, leads to awakening and enlightening of “Atma” or soul.

A thought originating from mind is just a thought. Pure and complete in its character. Some times restricting its region of influence to the basic needs may it be human body or that of any other creature. Frequently encompassing the whole universe like a guiding light as that of principles of “Geeta” established several centuries ago by “Vasudev Krishna”.

Every creature is blessed with conscious power which acts differently when it unites itself with soul and differently when it comes together with mind. A fluctuating thought seems to come from mind but a firm and determined thought always comes from soul. Mind has got natural power and ability to recognize positivity and negativity of thought. This power is called “conscious intelligence”.

A thought is just a distinct thought till it is singular in nature. Though singular when it is born in the mind, it expands and extends its domain of influence encompassing one’s unsatisfied needs and urges. Its enlargement and expansion greatly depends on perpetually altering situations and circumstances of life. It is only through continuous and sustained spiritual meditation one can detach emotions attached to it. It is only through divine contemplation one can improve and enhance power to detect and uncover these attached emotions to the thought which changes it character from thought to desire, urge, want, need and the rest.

Deep inside; every one of us can experience and feel the relation between our body, heart and mind. Behavior of our body greatly depends on our habits and attitudes. No sooner we perform any principled or unprincipled action in order to receive any tangible or intangible gain or benefit; desires that underlie these actions, come to dwell on our soul with every birth and rebirth transforming it from “Atman to Jivatma”. Eventually emotions and feelings that emerge from heart together with psyche that emerge from brain; which is also the seat of “Paarmatma or Paarbrahma” greatly influence working of the body. Like when our heart rejoices, it brightens up our face with blissfulness and darkens our face with obscurity when it is full of worries. It increases toxicity level of blood when we get enraged; diminishing the difference between right and morally wrong. Also when cupidity and greediness overtakes our mind, we tend to overlook the difference between ethical and unethical.

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Goodness Myth or Reality

Many a times I have impulse to give goodness to those who do not merit and do not give to those who really deserve. Why this happens? This happens because I could not balance my emotions and rationality properly. When I started observing my mind deeper and deeper, I was stunned to find the truth many of us are not familiar with.

There is inner and outer facet to goodness. Goodness that stem from soul has divine aspect and that derived from mind has emotional element.

If mind supercedes the soul then we experience different kind of contentment. Exhilaration generated from mind is not enduring but is deceptive as we assume it be of enduring nature.

If the soul supercedes the mind then we go through a different kind of joy where we feel the touch of divinity. Divinity flowing throwing our soul is unconditional and unrestricted. It is like free flowing fountain of happiness and sacrifice. The pleasure derived is eternal in nature.

The relationship between them is of balancing each other. It is the confluence of magical moment, the critical circumstances and the holistic or rational approach that are crucial decider of final conclusion. The final outcome could be free flow of goodness or restricted flow of goodness from one person to another.

There was a story in some news paper which goes as follows. There was a man who was standing on wash out sea shore where thousands of fishes were lying on the shore. He saw a girl who was picking up each fish and throwing it in sea again. He asked her what she was doing. There are thousands of them lying on the shore and dying. Will it matter to all those are lying in thousands on the shore? She said yes it will not matter to those are lying in thousands, but will definitely matter to one whom I am throwing in the sea. The man is perfect example of restricted flow of goodness and the girl is the epitome of free flow of goodness.

It is also crucial to regularly monitor and keep knowledge of who deserves goodness and who are trying to ride on my emotions of goodness. Allowing them to ride on my posterior is one face of goodness. Another facet of goodness would be making them learn how to walk refusing politely to give them free piggyback ride. This knowledge will help them to walk forever without our help. I feel I ought to give away to those who merit to be given and not to those who are unworthy.

Professionalism, career enhancement, shrinking opportunities and diminishing resources are overweighed before I start goodness. I am standing at a juncture of life where I do not understand what I should do. I think it is unflinching faith in goodness and enjoying festival of life that ultimately matters.

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I was sitting alone and reading a mail received from my son’s friend. She is suffering from back pain since quite a long time. Going to physiotherapist is helping her but the healing process is very slow. Now her back pain has slowly taken to her knee joints Doctors diagnosed her pain due to over weight and ordered her to just sleep to bring her comfort.
When I cam to know about her state of health, I sent her mail thinking she might share her pain and discomfort with me which might help divert her attention. I sent her mail and asked her to focus on the wellness that she wanted rather than focusing on how much pain is left and how much has gone. Inadvertently I asked to be good and do good for others.
She wrote me “I want to always keep people around me happy. But somehow I believe this ideology is not acceptable to all and people think I am doing things out of my way and putting myself in front of others and doing things making it inconvenient for me, whereas I can't convince people that doing this gives me happiness and I feel happy from within and helps me too forget my sorrows or pain.
After reading her mail even though I wanted to send reply to her, I couldn’t as I saw her state of mind. I started thinking about goodness and the meaning she derives on her own.

What is goodness? Several dictionaries have different meanings. But what I feel is suitable is, it is quality or virtue of our soul which can be experienced but cannot be measured, quantified or depicted. It is in every human being but is covered with our ego, sentiments and feelings thus coloring it with our own complexion and shape.
But the purest form of goodness is the extremities which cannot be touched even by our thoughts. No boundaries can be drawn to shape it but can be seen in the form of expression.
Depiction of goodness to many is like being goody goody to others; thinking that going out of way to make people happy is what is called goodness. Every act they put before people is like bringing some kind of euphemism of goodness. Convincing people that they are good is like blackening the face of goodness. Can a virtue of soul be changed, modified, customized, tailored or personalized? Can sunshine be changed? Can moonlight be modified?
If we want to be good, nobody can stop us from being so. There is no need to convince people that we care for them. There is no need to go out of the way to make them happy. This goodness through our soul just flows. Just as sunshine radiates through sun and flows around it, this goodness flows through our heart and mind.
Let the goodness flow through each of us to each other.