Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rediscovering Power of Mind (Part-2)-How mind operates

Noble thoughts empower our mind to initiate good desires eventually leading to superior actions and so is vice-versa. These desires grow in our heart and make us happy or unhappy depending upon its ethical and unethical virtue. Finally successful or unsuccessful life of an individual entirely depends on his conscious or subconscious purposeful and discerning desires.
Stimulus in our mind gives rise to physical action. Body movement in child, his cries or his overwhelming joy is nothing but an act of ecstasy in his mind. Human body cannot function unless he is ordered by his mind to perform these functions. In the same fashion, heart through its energy after receiving sensation or stimulation; produces a thought which transforms into a desire. Thus if we observe minutely we will realize that our heart too, after passing through these three stages namely stimulation, a thought or an urge; finally directs our body to perform or act in a manner we desire.

For example, the moment we are beaten by a mosquito, this bite causes instant eruption of undesirable sensation which is passed to the brain by sensory nerves. These approaching sensations activate pain diagnosing center of the brain to analyze this pain. Comprehending it to be an unfavourable pain, our brain then releases a thought to calm ourselves from this pain. Eventually command is received by our hand to unfly mosquito biting us. This is how external convulsion of hand, unflying mosquito; takes place.

From this example, at least, it is distinctively clear that any honest or dishonest act, consciously or subconsciously performed by each and every individual is initiated; when stimulation or sensation, evolution of thought or emotion and a powerful action erupts, to carry out their individual piece of working. There is no power other than these three; who can motivate us to perform and accomplish our objective in this world. Occasionally concealed and also deep seated pleasant and unpleasant memories in our subconscious mind give rise to undesirable volatility. These memories present in our subconscious mind, prevail on us to take unwanted actions. Finally there are primary urges particularly sex, anger, greed, possession and personal ego who influence our mind to get connected to them; without undergoing elated actions.

If we co-ordinate these three energies in flawless equilibrium and try to harness them through unrestricted meditation; than we can successfully achieve considerable success in performing our earthly responsibilities as well as achieving divine pleasure.

The ratio of development of these three energies depends entirely on our efforts in coordinating their stages of development. To say the least, the less the co-ordination in developing these three energies in equality, the more unhappiness would appear in our lives. How much creative or non-creative an individual might be; uniting these three energies in perfect equilibrium is the ultimate key to deepest contentment.

More contents on author’s personal website-

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