There are five subtle bodies in our physical bodies.
1) Physical body
2) Metaphysical body
3) Astral body
4) Cosmic body
5) Soul
Consciousness travels seamlessly between all these bodies throughout the day. Every level will bring in knowledge of new identity which we have; apart from physical body. To get this knowledge it is imperative and essential to connect with these bodies and get our real identity.
When we look into the mirror we become aware of our body. At metaphysical level, we have awareness of sickness and deceases. Astral body brings awareness of our likes, dislikes emotions, fears, desires, perceptions attachments with our loved ones. Cosmic body being closer to soul gives deep contentment. It is divine touch of soul to our conscious energy that brings about neutrality and real detachment.
The more we detach our conscious energy from our physical body, metaphysical body and astral body, the more we get closer to neutrality. Conscious energy detaches from our physical body, metaphysical body and astral body and gradually comes back to soul where it starts identifying itself with soul.
Conscious energy always recognizes images and sounds that are stored in our body in the form of memory. It attaches itself so strongly with them that we are unable to break free from these relations. Any relation of our loved ones like mom, dad, brother and sisters so strongly bonded that breaking free is really a tuff task. Their memories are stored and are part of our astral body which is connected by conscious energy to the cosmic body that in turn is connected to soul. These relations form part of our past life so they are with us in this birth.
While the divine spiritual power illuminates the whole universe, by the same token powers of mind turn as guiding light in determining duties as well as responsibilities concerning each and every human being moving on the earth. It promptly goes in the process of finding allusive clue to each and every complex question pertaining to fair or unfair, benevolence or non-benevolence, friendship or rivalry, loss or gain, responsibility or non responsibility, partial or impartial, appropriation or misappropriation.
Truth, knowledge, wealth, conduct, faith, happiness etc. are the intense driving powers of cosmic energy. Each and every creature, created by master creator of this universe is always under gripping powers that drives the creature. Even though we don’t like any relation we are compelled to perform with them till these memories gets released from our mind. Once released, we sense, we no longer need them and gradually try to get free from that relation.
At a time it is difficult to understand why these relations with people have so gripping power on our mind. It takes time to understand these driving forces of divine cosmic power. I just have no clue to the question some people ask me as to why should they be neutral if they are good to other people and they are happy with it. It is again their discreetness which they have to use in determining if this happiness is permanent of temporary.
More contents on author’s personal website-http://hiralalchawla.webs.com
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