A few days ago my friend called to ask me if I am going to make any resolution this year. I first thought of asking what resolution he is going to make this year as the year end was approaching very near. But then I put off this question simply by saying, I have not given much thought on that so why think now?
But the question kept ringing in my mind on and off for the whole day. I have been keeping these resolutions for every year, thinking they would probably help transform my life. Unfortunately I take them seriously no more than two to three days. Then again they are buried under the carpet with a pledge to look at them sincerely in the coming days.
Why we fail to stand by them? I can call it a modern world’s Paradox. Making a declaration is like setting objective or goal without any substance. Without any well defined period, managing this goal becomes risk. Gradually we start overlooking them and one fine day, we find them gradually vanishing from our lives. The best way to achieve them lies in the fact that if we necessitate to manage them, we have to set system and cognitive processes to monitor their achievability and how we seal off the distance each day towards them.
System is nothing but putting together all entities in totality. These entities in our case is body, mind, intelligence and behavior to bring out the integrated whole. Cognitive process is the process of thought to develop concepts. What are these systems and informed processes and how to personalize these system and processes needs objective thinking and observance of our strengths and weaknesses we possess.
The foremost process required is to give up our ego. This brings all our conflicts going within our conscious mind to minimal. The moment we surrender, we discover deep peace within. The conscious energy attached to our strong views gets detached from it making us unargumentative and non-impulsive. Slowly and steadily cognitive process of thought starts shaping our concepts as well as ideas and puts them together piece by piece; to support all our entities like mind, body, intelligence and behavior in totality.
More important since there is no conflict and arguments within us, the spiritual attribute becomes reality in our lives which emanates through our interpersonal relations with our loved ones. Not only that the spiritual energy connects us with our objectives and goals so precisely that we see our goal achieved effortlessly without any disagreement and opposition.
Fear is a psychological condition and it emerges from danger. The greatest fear is the fear of death which makes us vulnerable to all kind of anxiety which is like a constant companion. These emotions block of our vision and create false projections of our future. Once we surrender, all our fear, inertia and indecisions disappear to give clear vision of path to reach our goal or objective.
But we have to be careful and watch deep within our conscious mind of any thought that tries to condition or create any resistance in our mind. Let the surrender be our first step to setting systems and processes to achieve each and every goal in our life.
More contents on author’s personal website-http://hiralalchawla.webs.com
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