There are two characteristics which bring inadequacies in our lives. First is self Doubt and second is restricted awareness of our ability to do things in lives.
The inadequacies come in our lives due to lack of desire to lift ourselves, our condition in life. The moment we become conscious of so many things in our life, we have to keep ourselves saying that I have to lift myself, I must lift my financial status and I will lift my financial status.
If someone asks me if I face shortfalls and limitations of success in life, I just say that is part of my destiny. I sure face inadequacies when I see people flaunting money in driving in fast cars, owning and living in high rise building where only rich people stay. I certainly envy them but does it solve my problem? It doesn’t solve in fact it starts amassing pessimism in our minds.
We do so many things in our life when we are forced by conditions to do. We decide only when circumstances get created for that moment. We wait for circumstances take charge of the situation and impose virtual outcome, which some times go against our wishes.
However to improve chances of success in life, the most simple method is to focus on what are the inadequacies which compel us to compromise with situation. Well everyone will point it to wealth as the thing most missed by them. But I would say, it is skill or specialized knowledge that brings wealth is most missed by us.
The search doesn’t end with skill or knowledge that we are short of but how to get the skill and attitude is more important. Last but not the least, how much time we are ready to invest to get skill is more important. Generally it is seen that we are always in a hurry so we always think on a short term basis. Here is what we make the mistake.
Normally when the object is set like getting a skill and knowledge, it is always better to think on long term basis. Because grasping capacity of each individual is of different level. Some may grasp early but most of us take longer time to grasp. Grasping power is directly related to our interest and commitment we have to the cause or reason. The more we relate to ourselves to the cause, the more we generate commitment. Here the cause or the reason is removing inadequacies from our lives. So the more the commitment to remove inadequacies the more we get focused and the more the focus the more we are ready to think on longer terms. This brings consistency in our thinking, which ultimately removes chance attitude. Such person is destined to remove all his inadequacies not only from his life but from the social surroundings in which they live.
More contents on author’s personal website-http://hiralalchawla.webs.com
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