Saturday, April 2, 2011


This is the seventh and the last chakra situated in the crown of the head. The name sahastrar stands for thousand and chakra stands for the convergence of one thousand important nerves flowing through our body. Intersecting with each other and forming huge plexus called brain. The body parts are attached to brain through nerves running all over the body making us conscious of all that is happening before us. It is also called lotus with one thousand petals. The bringing of consciousness at this chakra leads our awareness to infinity thus giving feeling of oneness of everything. It is here that we feel the timelessness. One can also experience the world of sound when meditating at this center.

The balance in this chakra makes a person balanced, creative and idealistic. They always strive for spiritual enlightenment and self realization without keeping any material gain for what they do. This gives meaning to their lives and that becomes their goal of life. Their thinking is always different from others and hence they are always misunderstood. The biggest quality they have is the quality of leadership and spiritual perfection. The more the challenges they face, the more they become self sacrificing. The imbalance makes the person more puzzled and unstable.

While meditating at this center, the enlightenment process starts with the awakening of this chakra. This process of awakening is bit complicated and not easy to understand. According to some sages, in some individual it awakens naturally but in most cases one needs years of years of concentration at mooladhar chakra. It starts with cosmic consciousness or serpent power or Kundalini shakti sleeping at the base of our vertebra suddenly awakening and traveling through a nerve called Sushumna. Passing through all six chakras as a ladder and uniting with Purusha or the satori residing in crown, this energy works at three levels i.e. physical, mental and energy level. But after transcendenting human existence these chakra are no longer required. At each level the human existence is different because of power he acquires to create a thing or substance.

It doesn’t happen in one day. Perhaps it takes years and years of meditation at Adnya chakra or third eye chakra which after passing through different stages ultimately gives the experience of enlightenment. There are many descriptions of this enlightenment experience or Samadhi which is not just one experience but a spiritual process where one experiences one’s development from form to formless in wide span of time. In fact I would call this process of detaching oneself from his ego and entering in the world beyond karma and their results. It is transcendental process where we get freedom from all ideas and thoughts. One gets freedom from one self from each level of existence.

It is also being said that all these seven chakras can be partially or fully awakened and the awakening need not be in sequence. Hence when Sahastrar chakra is fully awakened then one can experience inspiration one receives from God. He can see blue light from sky and enlightening him. It is the light which flows from heaven saturating his soul in each respect. It is this light which takes him to the realms of God where he can listen his voice. It is at this center the meditator experiences infinite bliss beyond his existence of ego. It is at this place one comes to know that he is birthless and so is deathless. He becomes one with infinite eternity and it enters into his consciousness that he is immortal. When he sees this moment that he has grown into infinity, the next moment he grows into eternity. The creation becomes one with creator. Once this is achieved, his existence remains for the benefits of other human being. They operate under divine will and entirely rely on God. They see other people and things as they are and accept them as the will of God. They never fall in the trap of karma and always strive to transcend them.

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