What is “Karma”? It is a natural act or deed done through free will. Expression of free will brings into being with embodiment of soul in our body. Free will is a kind of stimulation to produce thought at conscious or subconscious level with full awareness of our ego working through our senses. Such deeds or acts create results some times positive, some times negative. This is nature’s law of Karma. Every deed carries its results, which is binding to the entity that does this act. Our life acts as platform where these acts and deeds are staged.
An act is done and the result is also there but sometimes we are happy about it because they were as per our expectations. Some times we are sad as the results are not as per our expectation. These emotions were based on awareness of results. Since we are attached to awareness of act and results, these results reflect on us. An Array of the free will, act of the deed, result of action, the awareness of result and emotions of pain and pleasure gets created due to dynamism of conscious energy. The sovereign authority, which exercises law of attachment is nothing but soul. And the entity which balances there flow of chain reaction at subtle level is the energy of the soul called conscious energy.
Not only this energy acts as dynamic medium through which free flow of energy elements of soul takes place; all of them exchange energy between each other immaterial of whether they are living or non living aspects or just abstract memory of any particular event.
Thus conscious energy plays very important role to complete the process of give and take in this world. Our dead body abandoned by soul, disintegrates into five elements chiefly responsible for creation of life and its living process. Following breakdown, they merge back into their parent elements from where they materialize. After loosing his power to act, free floating soul after leaving body, traveling through different ethereal layers, is sent to suitable place of rest where it awaits to take another birth to restart this give and take process all over again.
Once born, the soul regains power of free will and power to act. The soul starts its give and take process. Not only images but sounds with matching emotions of our past memories are transferred to the brain through neuron pathway. From there, through different plexus or charkas; they are taken to different parts of the body where they rest subtly on Meta physical body. Conscious energy flowing through motor nerves of the brain, trigger an event. First emotions are awakened and then the event takes place. These events could be associated with any aspect of life like health, education, marriage, travel, purchase of property, occurrence of diseases, romantic affairs outside marriage, recognization in society, jobs we may do, budding friends, litigation, death due to natural reasons or accidents etc.
If soul follows law of attachment so it also follows law of detachment. However it needs altogether different paradigm of awareness of not me but him. When the act is done with affirmation that this is not mine but his act and his result, conscious energy does not attaches results to the soul. Even though the act is caused through free will, the flow of energy cannot take place together through all these aspects. As all the entities cannot be linked, the flow of chain effect is broken. The result is stopped. This is law of detachment.
This holds true for those karmas or acts done with rational thoughts, perceptions and balanced emotions, which we are aware of or have done consciously with free will. But how to get rid of accumulated karma’s of past life? There are several views in different religions about how the soul can purify by getting rid of accumulated past karmas. Accumulated emotions, images in the form of past memories can be released one by one from Meta physical body immaterial of how old they are, through meditation.
Spirituality is nothing but being not only in present but to large extent it teaches us to live for every moment of life with divine joy and happiness. Meditation is nothing but attempt to be for that moment, detaching oneself from his past and future.
Alternatively there is another method by which additional karmas generated through karmic relations with father, mother, brother, sister, husband or children can be neutralized by method called breach of spiritual contract. Breaching spiritual contract frees our soul from the results of these additional karmas which we generally negotiate unintended. After breach of spiritual contract, even thought we free ourselves from additional karma, surprisingly the relationships between them become more natural and divine.
As per infallible law of responsibility, we alone are responsible for all our deeds. That is the reason what we sow, we reap. However miracle happens due to god’s direct involvement. God does not make one suffer for no reason nor does he make one happy for no reason. God is very fair and gives us exactly what we deserve.
Doing our Karma is like throwing dice on the life’s play board with eye on getting winning numbers. But mystery unfolds only when the dice is thrown. Ultimately it is the eternal time who decides whether we should be rewarded or punished.
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