Sunday, August 1, 2010


It is fourth Chakra in line of seven Chakra or plexus and resides at the centre of all of them. It is a point where twelve nerves conjoin together to form a plexus. It is also a balance point between the world of physical matter and the world of spiritual energies. It is located between left and right chest, above navel and below throat and the plexus that forms controls upper chest, lungs, heart, ribs, breasts, abdominal diaphragm, thymus glands and circulatory system etc.

Energy that flows through this Chakra is energy of love, compassion, kindness and the reverse of it hate, jealousy and hatred. This occurs due to unbalanced emotions that reverse the nature of energy. Unbalanced chakra also gives rise to low self esteem, unable to forgive others or self, over possessiveness, lack of empathy, over dependency on others, miserness, bitterness and indifference etc. Where as balanced chakra brings emotions of compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love for others.

Main characteristic of such personality is they are warm, loving, tolerant and compassionate towards others. Their hearts and hands are open to all and are true to themselves. They have ability to make world around them a better place to live and make contributions to the professions they are in. The energy of peace which they have in their heart brings calming and comforting effect on others. They have power of accepting people as they are.

In fact this chakra is a kind of a knot between physical world and spiritual world till it is awakened. Awakening of this chakra is a kind of freedom to escape from preordained fate and to determine one’s own destiny and freewill. It is completely beyond empirical dimensions. It is kind of wish fulfilling tree but is solely dependent on one’s consciousness rather than any external feeling of faith. Initially all negative feeling like pessimism towards life, fears etc that are trapped in this chakra start surfacing first. One has to be alert not to allow them to take complete control over his mind. They are just mental tendencies and fantasies of mind. Its awakening brings refined emotions which are characterized by feeling of universality and unlimited love for all beings.

Out of twelve nerves one nerve connects to heart and ancient yogis believed that that was an actual center of spiritual consciousness, called "the lotus of the heart," situated between the abdomen and the thorax, which could be revealed in deep meditation. In spiritualism it is called lotus seat of Atman or Brahma or Godhead or universal consciousness, the real seer unknown to us. They claimed that it had the form of a Lotus and that it shone with an inner light. It was said to be "beyond sorrow," since those who saw it were filled with an extraordinary sense of peace and joy.

Assuming our body as city of Brahman, there is the heart and within the heart there is a little house. This house has the shape of a lotus, and within it dwells that which is to be sought after, inquired about, and realized. Even so large as the universe outside is the universe within the lotus of the heart. Within it are heaven and earth, the sun, the moon, the lightning and all the stars. Whatever is in the macrocosm is in this microcosm also.

Though old age comes to the body, the lotus of the heart does not grow old. It does not die with the death of the body. The lotus of the heart, where Brahman resides in all his glory is the true city of Brahman. Brahman, dwelling therein, is untouched by any deed, ageless, deathless, free from grief, free from hunger and from thirst. Brahman is passionless and indivisible. He is pure. He is the light of all lights. His desires are right desires, and his desires are fulfilled. If the body is thought of as a busy and noisy city then in the middle of this city, there is a little shrine, and that, within this shrine, the Atman, our real nature, is present. No matter what is going on in the streets outside, we can always enter that shrine and worship. It is always open.

Upon awakening of this chakra an aspirant can hear the sound of AUM like humming of a bird. Our scientists have proved that no sound can occur without collision or impact. However occurrence of sound AUM heard at this chakra is produced without any collision or impact. It is because of this phenomenon, this chakra is called “An-Ahat” or chakra that produces AUM without any impact. OM is almost certainly the most ancient word for God that has come down to us through the ages. It has universal sense, implying no special deity. It is the most sacred word of all. But what really matters is that we should appreciate the power of the “Word” in our spiritual life; and this appreciation can come only through practical experience.

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