Perhaps most of us know something about human aura but we still do not have scientific explanation as to how it is formed. However this phenomenon is very familiar to the occult science as the person with psychic vision can see and experience it. The subtleties are in the form of electro magnetic waves that get emanated from our Meta physical body that lies beneath our skin. Not only it is emanated but is forcefully radiated around us. This is called aura. It has got ethereal form.
Person with ordinary vision cannot see it but a psychic perception of this human aura is in the form of different colors representing emotions, effect of mental state and feelings. Also it is said that this aura has definite shape as oval shaped cloud which is dense at the center and gradually fading near the edge. It surrounds our human body from all sides and creates magnetic effect of a person. Our aura constantly changes color and its psychic feelings also change accordingly.
Scientist from Germany, Italy, France and many other countries through our physical or material science have tried to conduct lots of experiments to photograph aura through fluorescent screens or X-rays and discovered through these photographs, a nebulous, hazy radio active energy radiating around our body with auric colors.
Fundamentally aura is composed of a substance called universal life force. It is the energy through which we identify ourselves through mind saying I am so and so. Basic aura is colorless however when universal life force comes together or unites with our feelings or emotions, this gives color to this force and our aura becomes colorful. Our health aspect can be judged by this aura. A very interesting aspect of this aura is it leaves its stamp behind even if the person or a creature moves away from a spot. Creatures like dogs have uncanny power to recognize finer vibrations of aura consisting of feelings of a person and can distinguish also recognize a person from its scent.
A healthy aura has straight bristle like streaks whereas an unhealthy aura shows tangled, twisted and bend streaks. A powerful aura not only has a compelling life force as light radiating from a physical body of a person but also contains physical power and magnetism which is passed on to others who come in close vicinity of it. This life force is filled with colors which indicate health not only at physical level but it can give indication of his mental and spiritual health.
Prana aura or basic life force is colorless like clear water. Red color represents his physical state, while yellow and blue color indicates his mental and spiritual health. There are also other secondary colors like green derived from mixing of yellow and blue. Orange formed from mixing of y yellow and red and purple formed from mixing of red and blue. Black is also one color but is called neutral color just meant to produce shades to the colors. There are other interesting aspects of human auric phenomena consisting of different states of aura, thought activities affecting and changing colors of aura, thoughts and its different forms, psychic influence of these thoughts, auric charm, how to develop healthy and protective aura and lastly how to treat patient affected by negative thoughts.
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