It is a well accepted fact that there is certain charm with some people which influence people so much that they get dragged towards them. It is a kind of a natural force which effects mind and body of the people and create such a wonderful magnetism that we are pulled towards them. This happens due to their auric magnetism.
Human aura is like storehouse of magnetism however it is difficult to decode these phenomena of how auric magnetism is created, stored, projected and transmitted by one individual towards other individual. However it has been observed that patient suffering from any decease feels good in the presence of doctor due to healing properties of aura of a doctor, helping the patient to recover faster. This does happen most of the time due to ethereal life force of the doctor being inducted towards patient automatically. It can also happen due to projection of pranic vibrations getting inducted into the body of the patient through strongly charged life force of the healer. This some times helps patient on the brink of death to come back to life as if the doctor has pumped his life force into the patient helping him get back the strength resulting into new strength and vitality flowing not from physical plane but from psychic plane.
The advanced psychic healer knows the potent effect of mental states over physical states. He also knows how the mental vibrations can affect physical nerve centers and organs of a patient therefore they try to arouse mental vibrations first in the mind of the patient by holding in their mind the corresponding mental state they desire to be aroused in the mind of the patient. It is a very powerful technique of healing and is the essence that constitutes mental healing practiced by them.
Also as per the auric law each mental state creates its own color and the advanced healer also fixes corresponding color to the thought which he wishes to transfer to the patient by imagination. This multiplies the effect of thought which increases thought vibrations. These corresponding vibrations get transferred first into the mind of the healer’s aura which set in motion corresponding changes into patient’s aura by the law of thought transfer. These then get reproduced into the mind of the patient by law of reaction. It is simply the law of action and reaction where the vibrations rebound from one mind to another mind through aura. This transfer of thought with mental image with appropriate color can be transmitted over space and can be imposed on the mind of the patient through health giving mental vibrations. It is very helpful method to give absent well as present treatment to any patient.
Healer of any ordinary school must have strong mental perception power to distinguish fine shades of astral color that gets manifested in the aura of the patient to enable him to treat patient more effectively. Also he must have knowledge of auric and astral colors which will help him to obtain satisfactory result in his practice.
It has been observed that following colors bring different effect on our psyche and organ system. Shades of violet, lavender and dark blue bring cooling and soothing effect. Green colors have resting and invigorating effect. Medium yellow and orange are inspiring and illuminating colors. Bright red color is stimulating and exciting. Therefore if a patient is suffering from short of physical vitality with chilliness and lack of body warmth, bright red color should be impregnated into his aura. In case of over heated body, feverishness or excessive blood pressure etc, blue, violet and lavender color is indicated followed by bright yellow and finally steady flow of orange. It is very important to know that occultist must change colors once the deficiency of single colors gets covered up thus helping patient to recover faster. To conclude the treatment, an occultist has to remember to flood the patient’s aura with bright white light which will put the patient in illuminated state of mind and soul and will also energize healer with cosmic energy.
In absence of healer, an individual can also treat himself in the same way and can get same results by following the directions mentioned above. It is called self healing or self treatment. If he experiments with colors he will soon find that certain colors suit his requirements better than other colors in increasing magnetism in his aura. For this he has to turn healing current or energy inward, turning himself as medium and can follow his intuition in experiencing the effect of magnetism in his aura. It should be remembered that each individual will have different experience depending upon constitution of his Meta physical body and mental psyche.
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