Tuesday, May 1, 2012

तेरा नाम जबभी इस्स जुबां पर आता है.

तेरा नाम जबभी इस्स जुबां पर आता है.
ऐ खुदा तेरा दीदार करनेको ये दिल तडपता है.
इस्स बेबस बन्देकी बन्दगीमे गर कोइ कमी है
तेरे रेहमो करमपर ये बेजान ज़िन्दगी थमी है

दिल के खामोश कोनेसे इक बुलन्द आवाज आई.
तेरी मासूम फ़रीयाद तुझे मुझतक आखिर ले आई
रुहकी नज़र से देख मेरा चश्मेनूर हर तरफ़ है
तेरे हर अपने, हर गैरोके दिलमे मेरा बसेरा है.

सुरजमे बसी रोशनी मेरी ताकतसे है
ये फ़लक, चान्द तारे मेरे इशारेसे है
ये आबो हवा हर मौसम मेरे रेहमसे है
हर गुलशन हर चमनकी खुशबु मेरे दमसे है

तेरी जिन्दगी की हर खुशी का राज मै हूं
हर जख्म हर गम का राज मै हुं
तेरे दिलसे निकली हर दुआकी बुनियाद मै हुं
तेरी हर तम्मना हर आरझू का हमराज मै हुं

तेरी हर मुशकील हर सवालका मै सवाली हुं
तेरी हर उम्मीद हर अस्ककी बुन्दका मै साहील हुं
तेरी हर मन्जिल हर मक्सदका मै रास्ता हुं
तेरी नायाब जिन्दगी के हर मुकाम का अनदेखा हमसफ़र हुं

हर प्यार करनेवालोंकी पाक मुहब्बतमे मुझे देख
हर नेकपरस्त इन्सानकी नेकीमे मुझे देख
इन्सानियतकी राहपर चलनेवालोकी इन्सानियतमे मुझे देख
मेरी इबादत करनेवाले ऐ बन्दे हर दिलमे मुझे देख

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Human Aura-Part 3-Auric Treatment & Self Healing

It is a well accepted fact that there is certain charm with some people which influence people so much that they get dragged towards them. It is a kind of a natural force which effects mind and body of the people and create such a wonderful magnetism that we are pulled towards them. This happens due to their auric magnetism.

Human aura is like storehouse of magnetism however it is difficult to decode these phenomena of how auric magnetism is created, stored, projected and transmitted by one individual towards other individual. However it has been observed that patient suffering from any decease feels good in the presence of doctor due to healing properties of aura of a doctor, helping the patient to recover faster. This does happen most of the time due to ethereal life force of the doctor being inducted towards patient automatically. It can also happen due to projection of pranic vibrations getting inducted into the body of the patient through strongly charged life force of the healer. This some times helps patient on the brink of death to come back to life as if the doctor has pumped his life force into the patient helping him get back the strength resulting into new strength and vitality flowing not from physical plane but from psychic plane.

The advanced psychic healer knows the potent effect of mental states over physical states. He also knows how the mental vibrations can affect physical nerve centers and organs of a patient therefore they try to arouse mental vibrations first in the mind of the patient by holding in their mind the corresponding mental state they desire to be aroused in the mind of the patient. It is a very powerful technique of healing and is the essence that constitutes mental healing practiced by them.

Also as per the auric law each mental state creates its own color and the advanced healer also fixes corresponding color to the thought which he wishes to transfer to the patient by imagination. This multiplies the effect of thought which increases thought vibrations. These corresponding vibrations get transferred first into the mind of the healer’s aura which set in motion corresponding changes into patient’s aura by the law of thought transfer. These then get reproduced into the mind of the patient by law of reaction. It is simply the law of action and reaction where the vibrations rebound from one mind to another mind through aura. This transfer of thought with mental image with appropriate color can be transmitted over space and can be imposed on the mind of the patient through health giving mental vibrations. It is very helpful method to give absent well as present treatment to any patient.

Healer of any ordinary school must have strong mental perception power to distinguish fine shades of astral color that gets manifested in the aura of the patient to enable him to treat patient more effectively. Also he must have knowledge of auric and astral colors which will help him to obtain satisfactory result in his practice.

It has been observed that following colors bring different effect on our psyche and organ system. Shades of violet, lavender and dark blue bring cooling and soothing effect. Green colors have resting and invigorating effect. Medium yellow and orange are inspiring and illuminating colors. Bright red color is stimulating and exciting. Therefore if a patient is suffering from short of physical vitality with chilliness and lack of body warmth, bright red color should be impregnated into his aura. In case of over heated body, feverishness or excessive blood pressure etc, blue, violet and lavender color is indicated followed by bright yellow and finally steady flow of orange. It is very important to know that occultist must change colors once the deficiency of single colors gets covered up thus helping patient to recover faster. To conclude the treatment, an occultist has to remember to flood the patient’s aura with bright white light which will put the patient in illuminated state of mind and soul and will also energize healer with cosmic energy.

In absence of healer, an individual can also treat himself in the same way and can get same results by following the directions mentioned above. It is called self healing or self treatment. If he experiments with colors he will soon find that certain colors suit his requirements better than other colors in increasing magnetism in his aura. For this he has to turn healing current or energy inward, turning himself as medium and can follow his intuition in experiencing the effect of magnetism in his aura. It should be remembered that each individual will have different experience depending upon constitution of his Meta physical body and mental psyche.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

THE HUMAN AURA-Part 2-Thought Forms

The first part was about human aura and its basic characteristics of human aura and the alchemy of emotions and thoughts creating aura around each of us. However there are different levels or planes of these thoughts. First is physical plane where all the physical needs are generated. Red represents the physical phase of mentality where a person’s vitality of the body is manifested. Yellow represents intellectual phase of the mind and manifests mental reasoning, analysis, judgement, logical processes etc. Blue represents spiritual phase of mentality and manifests into high ideals, altruism or religious inclinations, feelings and emotions. White stands for pure spirit which is different from religion emotions but is pure spirituality. Black represents opposition to pure spirituality. These colors are never constant but are always shifting, changing and blending according to feelings and emotions. The sight of these colors in astral plane is sometimes pleasant and sometimes unpleasant.

There are two distinct features of these auric coloring of every person. The one which results from his habitual thoughts and feelings or from his character and second resulting from particular feelings or thoughts manifested by him at a particular moment or time. The color coming with feelings appear and disappear but colors bound by his nature stay with him permanently. Not only that each place has it collective aura like dwelling, business place, religious place, courtroom, police station, jail, village, city, country and nation. In some places colors are in harmony and in some places they are in such disharmony that it becomes worst place to stay even for a moment.

Since an aura phenomenon is closely associated with thought form of a person, understanding thoughts can bring greater understanding of aura and its substance. A thought form in reality is made up of ethereal substance which is charged with prana energy and carries vibrations of life force of creator. Each thought form differs from one another in shape and general appearance. A simple thought appears like rising wave progressing in the direction of a subject in the form of series of waves one after another. It resembles like circles caused by dropping of pebble in a still pond of water. Another form could be thought filled with anger which rotates around an axis, sometimes swirling towards the central axis and sometimes going away from the axis.

Weak thought forms survive in aura for a short period but strong thought forms filled with dynamic force of will power, can create independent existence in objective center of the mind and can survive in aura for very long time. They exert strong force on other persons coming under their influence. If they are embodied with mental force of a person then they can travel in space exerting force on psychic aura of a person, until they exhaust their energy. Even though it gets separated from its originator, till the time it survives, it lives as semi living force till their vibrations persist.

Thought forms are of endless varieties. Since each individual has its own peculiarities of feelings, each combination of thought creates its own form. It depends upon the experience of the occultist to read these expanded forms of thoughts some of them have their own remarkable beauty. Furthermore, each and every thought carries certain temperature and color. If the feeling is single and definite, it will have just one color but if the feeling has widely differing mental vibrations then the colors will be more than one. The thought of passion will show appropriate auric colors and form. The thought of high ideal of love will show its beautiful appearance along with harmonious tinting, like a magnificent celestial flower from the garden of far off Paradise.

Some people emit strong thought forms which can push back other person, and can correctly bring manifestation of idea and feeling of other person. Some people release such thought form which seems to wind around other person like arms of an octopus. The form is accompanied by strong desire to appeal, persuade or coax etc. which try to literally drag him towards the first person.

A thought carries a force which helps it travel long distance if done with power of concentration. Space does not seem to be a barrier to its passage however the form and force plays vary important role in transferring it from sender to receiver. If the thought is sent with explosive emotions, it takes a form of a bomb, which literally explodes when it reaches a person towards whom it is directed.

There is another thought form called projected thought form which carries same color as does the aura of a person itself. It is practically a bit of detached aura of a person, charged with some degree of prana and energized with a degree of his life energy. In a sense it is really a projected portion of his personality. However some thought forms never leave outer limits of the aura while others if projected can travel to great distance. Some sputter out as they travel and get disintegrated before they reach a target, while others continue to glow and persist for a long time.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Perhaps most of us know something about human aura but we still do not have scientific explanation as to how it is formed. However this phenomenon is very familiar to the occult science as the person with psychic vision can see and experience it. The subtleties are in the form of electro magnetic waves that get emanated from our Meta physical body that lies beneath our skin. Not only it is emanated but is forcefully radiated around us. This is called aura. It has got ethereal form.

Person with ordinary vision cannot see it but a psychic perception of this human aura is in the form of different colors representing emotions, effect of mental state and feelings. Also it is said that this aura has definite shape as oval shaped cloud which is dense at the center and gradually fading near the edge. It surrounds our human body from all sides and creates magnetic effect of a person. Our aura constantly changes color and its psychic feelings also change accordingly.

Scientist from Germany, Italy, France and many other countries through our physical or material science have tried to conduct lots of experiments to photograph aura through fluorescent screens or X-rays and discovered through these photographs, a nebulous, hazy radio active energy radiating around our body with auric colors.

Fundamentally aura is composed of a substance called universal life force. It is the energy through which we identify ourselves through mind saying I am so and so. Basic aura is colorless however when universal life force comes together or unites with our feelings or emotions, this gives color to this force and our aura becomes colorful. Our health aspect can be judged by this aura. A very interesting aspect of this aura is it leaves its stamp behind even if the person or a creature moves away from a spot. Creatures like dogs have uncanny power to recognize finer vibrations of aura consisting of feelings of a person and can distinguish also recognize a person from its scent.

A healthy aura has straight bristle like streaks whereas an unhealthy aura shows tangled, twisted and bend streaks. A powerful aura not only has a compelling life force as light radiating from a physical body of a person but also contains physical power and magnetism which is passed on to others who come in close vicinity of it. This life force is filled with colors which indicate health not only at physical level but it can give indication of his mental and spiritual health.

Prana aura or basic life force is colorless like clear water. Red color represents his physical state, while yellow and blue color indicates his mental and spiritual health. There are also other secondary colors like green derived from mixing of yellow and blue. Orange formed from mixing of y yellow and red and purple formed from mixing of red and blue. Black is also one color but is called neutral color just meant to produce shades to the colors. There are other interesting aspects of human auric phenomena consisting of different states of aura, thought activities affecting and changing colors of aura, thoughts and its different forms, psychic influence of these thoughts, auric charm, how to develop healthy and protective aura and lastly how to treat patient affected by negative thoughts.

Friday, July 29, 2011


The other day I was reading Geeta trying to understand the wisdom given by Lord Krishna to the entire human mankind. At first glance, it appeared that the overall context of whole Geeta as said by Lord Krishna to warrior Arjuna is, we should perform all the tasks as well as duties which our occupation assigns us but have to relinquish the results to God. If I am a soldier then I should fight enemy without fear and without judging who the enemy is. However there is another side of the story which needs to be highlighted.

It is said that Arjuna was greatest archer of his time and was invincible in the skill of archery. Nobody could compete with him nor could win against his skill. When all the negotiations between Pandavas and Kauravas broke down and even the peace brokered by Krishna came futile, it became clear that the war of Mahabharata was imminent between them.

Both sides started preparing for war. It was crucial to frame the war rules so that the war could be fought on the basis of values and ethics. The day was decided. The night before the war, experts from both the camps started working on setting up war games so that they can maximize damage to their opponents and win. But the reality was something which was poles apart. Everybody was under stress and could not go to sleep. Tomorrow was the eventful day for everyone. Nobody knew what will happen.

As the sun rose, the drama began to unfold. The sky was clear. A line was drawn between two armies. Scores of soldiers started gathering on both the side of the line. As each minutes passed thousands and thousands of soldiers stood before each other; waiting for the war signal. It was unique experience for every one standing there and was a moment of face off for all the warriors engulfed by unlimited emotions. It was a moment when almost the earth stood still.

Then a dramatic thing happened. Arjuna standing in a chariot asked Krishna to move and bring it a little bit forward so that he could see kauravas, his half brothers closely. Suddenly it struck him that that people whom he was staring were all his brothers with whom he had blood relations. His heart flooded with love and tears started rolling from his eyes. Sobbing vehemently he slumped on the floor of the chariot and dropped his bow. He was so depressed by the thought that his arrows would hurt all of them and might kill them; he lost his sense of invincibility. More so he lost sense of self esteem or self value.

When Krishna saw Arjuna loosing self effectiveness and was imbalanced to experience his loss of sense of invincibility, he could see loss of war coming close to Pandava’s side. It was time for him to take centre stage of the situation and to see that Arjuna not only got complete control over his sense of invincibility but also that evil forces were defeated convincingly. It took almost three hours for Krishna to convince him that performing duties as warrior was his first responsibility without thinking who the enemy was. Not only that to make him understand how God controls this universe, he had to show his infinite form. That was the defining moment when Arjuna vowed to finish all his enemies. The rest was the epic war of Mahabharata fought for humanizing the whole mankind.

The question comes is what is this self value or self esteem? I feel it is the disposition which we experience when we do any laudable task and become praiseworthy. After which we experience happiness and wellness, respect and love, achievement and success. This helps us to face challenges of life. Self effectiveness and self respect are integral part of self esteem. Self effectiveness is the confidence in our ability to think, judge and decide any thing. Generally when we have confidence in our ability to think and perform, we automatically gain self effectiveness however if we loose self confidence, it gives rise to inefficiency.

Arjuna slumped in his chariot and started weeping for his cousins and half brothers as he lost his effectiveness and self esteem because of his distorted emotionality which Krishna had to step in and restore.

We all need occasional repair of our self effectiveness. Self effectiveness generates sense of self control over our life. It is core of our existence. We can take complete charge of our life and are able to control most of the circumstances. If we want to assert our thoughts or want to live with joy and happiness, this comes with self effectiveness.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


One of the thorniest issues encompassing human behavior is to resist change that walks up into our day to day life. It is a six letter dirty word that brings cold shivers down into our spine because most of us fear of something horrible that might mess up our lives. We do not force ourselves to test our assumptions and lock our minds to do things which are worn out by time.

Isn’t it very easy to lock ourselves to such state of mind? Indeed it is very easy when we see other people locking themselves into same kind of conduct again and again. Nobody likes applying pressure to their minds because we know for certain that we would face severe resistance from our mind. Infact I would say resistance is a kind of shadow always accompanying to changes. So we continue to do things the way they are done before. Our current and past habits play very important role as all habits are deeply ingrained in our nervous system. They are considered sacred and any attempt to change these habits raises violent rebellion within us.

Some may say I am desperate to turn thing around me for better but I do not know how. Some may feel it is just waste of time and energy because every one around me told me that it is not possible or is very hard to change.

We always try to bring changes to our lives which are just peripheral in nature or bring external empowerment. Purchasing a new car, buying a big apartment in rich urban backdrop or buying third generation electronic gadgets or doing things that make us feel good reinforces our assumptions about success in life. Truly speaking though these things bring immense superficial pleasure and psychological satisfaction of owning them, the truth is they do not empower us spiritually. With each sunrise, we pursue them madly without knowing that these forces have taken complete control of our lives. We should questions to ourselves do they have real power to enrich our spiritual lives. Do they really satisfy our spiritual needs?

Though these things make our lives easy and also make us feel good, the happiness is not enduring. It is momentary. The happiness may last for few minutes or say few hours or say for few days. But after their influence gets warded off, we start looking at new things that make us feel good again. The cycle persists once more and it continues till we are stressed out. After that we loose our effectiveness to have a hold over our destiny.

It seems that during certain age of our life, urgency of everything take control of our lives. On one hand we assume that not picking up phone would result into missed out opportunity with our client or our high profile manager; on the other hand, we do not even read mails which might make difference to our lives yet put them off for reading time and again. We just cannot master our way to organize our work and do not distinguish the difference between what is important and what is urgent.

The solution is simple. We have to take control of our emotions. We have to make our lives simple by enriching ourselves with spirituality that empowers us to manage our emotions in more successful ways. Spirituality brings positive impact on our lives and has strength and ability to change destiny.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Zindagi ki tapti Dhoop

जिंदगी की तपती धूप का मन्जर जबभी सामने आता है
हर बेचारा अपनी बिखरी तकदीरसे खफ़ा हो जाता है
उम्रके कदमॊंकी चाप हर शक्स जरूर सुनता है
क्यों बाकी जिंदगीसे अपनी नज़रें चुराता है

खुशीकी चाहतमे फ़ासले दूर तक बनाता है
हसरतोंकी प्यास दरिया भी कहां बुझाता है
दिल में सिर्फ़ तन्हाई पर आंखोंमे अरमां है
उम्मीदकी डोरको हर शक्सने हाथोंमे थामा है

किसी के लिये ये जिंदगी मेहेज एक सिलसिला है
मिटकर जो फिर बने ऐसा पानीका बुलबुला है
उसीकी पनाहमे हर लम्हा तुझे याद करते है
ऐ खुदा तेरी रोशनीके दामनमे जिया करते है