What does it mean by reincarnation of a soul? Do we really reincarnate or what is the doctrine of rebirth. Most of the human race holds this belief that due to cyclic changes the soul discards the old body and after passing through several planes takes it resting place again to descent on earth among the same people known to him. This soul is considered to be indestructible and when it takes rebirth, he becomes unconscious of his previous births but proceeds to take new birth under law of attraction. It does contain memories and traits of his past life and hence as per strict divine law it attracts the body according to divine justice to take birth as per it traits. But does his old karma’s dissolve after taking this new birth? This theory says that the life which is taken by soul is not new but due to his previous existence on earth and the new birth gives him chance to transform. This transformation is nothing but cleansing process due to inheritance of past karmas. These karmas take shape sometimes at the time of birth but sometimes during its journey of life. There is no favoritism shown by divine law. The king may become a pauper and pauper may become a king. He may be beggar in this life but could become a king in next life.
This belief has hint not only in Greek, Egypt, and India but is also found in China, Africa and many parts of the world as well. It goes back some five thousand years ago in some countries and in some it is one thousand, two thousand and in some three thousand years. The ancient roman people believed that soul was very complex. It is indestructible. At the time of death, it is the body that gets destroyed but the balance portion called soul survives. This portion passes through different planes which are subtle and spiritual and remains in a state of bliss and purity to some extent. When their term of bliss gets complete, it returns back to take another birth to start its journey of life again to attain the life of fulfillment. The worthy soul may not take rebirth. It is also being believed that unworthy soul pass through the river, where they forget and do not have recollection of past earthy life. The laws of the higher world say that whatever action, thoughts or traits we possess in our former life; we get birth in those circumstances, environment and conditions. The Supreme Being is the authority who decides the fate taking into account the karmas of his former life. Those unblemished by material life rise and are given the state of bliss. But those who are guilty and tainted by the material world have to take rebirth and are allowed to rise step by step towards divinity. They are given new body so that they can attempt to get rid of these karmas. In doing so they are unaware of their previous birth but may sometimes get the flashes of recollection, intuition or an instinctive feeling of previous birth.
Christian Church also has guiding religious principles of that time that says soul is pure and the bodies are deceitful and impermanent. The soul enjoys the joy of freeing himself from the prison of the body after the death. After much of migrations from one body to another and rebirths after rebirths, it attains perfection. Some may call it as punishment but some may see it as a way of perfection of soul. The absolute matter from where the soul originates returns back to it in perfect bliss to the place called highest divine kingdom.
In India this doctrine was held in high esteem when the human race was still in Stone Age stage of existence and its foundation were laid four thousand years ago by religious thinkers, philosophers and great rishis. These philosophers firmly established their philosophies and fundamental thoughts in the form of writing in Upanishad and Vedas also people at that time firmly believed them and accepted them as fact. Even today most Hindus and Muslims firmly believe the truth of soul and carried out acts as per religious adherence to fulfill the last wishes of the departed soul. They also believed that present life is step towards purification process of the soul. Today this process has become more complicated dominated by various ceremonials, rituals, cults and creeds sacrificing the original simple form of worship of one life denoting the spirit of nature. Adhering to this modern form is still the fundamental idea of rebirth of the soul being one with the purest form.
There are several references in religious books to the doctrine of rebirth especially in Bhagavad-Gita where Krishna says to Arjuna” There was not a time when you or I were not there. Nor we going to be remain permanent in this world. As the soul understand this material body which experiences infancy, adulthood and old age, which it discards and pass on to the new body in the form of rebirth. It will again live and play its own part. Hence the spirit of a man neither takes birth nor does it die. It is eternal. As the man throws his old garments and wears new, this spirit throws this old body and wears new bright one. You and I have taken many births but the difference is you remember none and I am conscious of all of them.”
It is said in Mahabharat that even if the soul takes new birth, he has to avoid the path of hell and should work out the path of salvation.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
We all live in this world which consists of solar system where sun is the nucleus around which other planets are revolving in different orbits. Though the solar system was created billions of years ago, it is matter of debate for scientists around the globe as to when this life form can into existence. With evolution of time it has been established that life form came into existence in the form of fish in ocean. From then onwards, various creatures took life form along with vegetation, plants, flora and Fauna. Slowly and slowly human life took form with various shapes and colors irrespective of religion they followed and then slowly and slowly language of communication was born with each word giving understanding and meaning to an emotion that directly shape our destiny. Such is the power of word that they can change human life, because of emotions and meaning associated with it.
“My life is full of heaven”
“Life has become hell for me”
“I am feeling low”
“Today I am really happy”
“I have become emotionless”
Above sentences are some of the examples of words that carry emotions which bring out some meaning. Not only words, everything in this universe is symbolic and these symbols are so powerful that millions of people experience direct impact on their way of life. Take for example swastika symbol which is nothing but two lines of equal length intersecting each other in 90 degrees, with four smaller lines drawn at their end indicating clockwise movement of the symbol. This symbol is not only revered by millions of Hindus for its positive energy that they paint it outside their doors as a metaphor for its auspicious nature.
Symbols evoke emotional response and bring direct impact on human behavior. Not only words but symbols could be images, sounds, objects and actions. Words contain more meaning and emotional intensity because of sound energy associated with it. Images contain light energy. Not only that there is energy of smell, taste and the energy directly released by the object itself. The last is the energy of thought produced by mind and which is most superior of all.
These energies directly communicate with the conscious energy emitted by our mind and their impact which brings awareness to our conscious mind is called emotions. It is like radio frequency with a particular wavelength. Each object or any abstract thing has his radius of influence and if our conscious energy comes within that radius, we get certain understanding about the object. It is a basic process of learning through these powers as energy generally speaks in its language of frequencies and wavelength associated with the objects, words, images or actions. This learning process is through the power of mind or energies of mind.
In earlier days, astrologers used astrological charts to describe our solar systems and their direct impact on human lives. Today our physicists are using solar system as a metaphor to explain their relationship with electrons, protons and neutrons in the formation of matter. Their proposition holds good to explain that every matter has a nucleus and the electrons are revolving around them in an orbit in similar way as the planets are revolving around sun. These electrons do not maintain equi-distance and their orbit also varies from the nucleus. This resulted into understanding of atomic energy which we feel through our conscious energy throughout our life till we are alive.
“My life is full of heaven”
“Life has become hell for me”
“I am feeling low”
“Today I am really happy”
“I have become emotionless”
Above sentences are some of the examples of words that carry emotions which bring out some meaning. Not only words, everything in this universe is symbolic and these symbols are so powerful that millions of people experience direct impact on their way of life. Take for example swastika symbol which is nothing but two lines of equal length intersecting each other in 90 degrees, with four smaller lines drawn at their end indicating clockwise movement of the symbol. This symbol is not only revered by millions of Hindus for its positive energy that they paint it outside their doors as a metaphor for its auspicious nature.
Symbols evoke emotional response and bring direct impact on human behavior. Not only words but symbols could be images, sounds, objects and actions. Words contain more meaning and emotional intensity because of sound energy associated with it. Images contain light energy. Not only that there is energy of smell, taste and the energy directly released by the object itself. The last is the energy of thought produced by mind and which is most superior of all.
These energies directly communicate with the conscious energy emitted by our mind and their impact which brings awareness to our conscious mind is called emotions. It is like radio frequency with a particular wavelength. Each object or any abstract thing has his radius of influence and if our conscious energy comes within that radius, we get certain understanding about the object. It is a basic process of learning through these powers as energy generally speaks in its language of frequencies and wavelength associated with the objects, words, images or actions. This learning process is through the power of mind or energies of mind.
In earlier days, astrologers used astrological charts to describe our solar systems and their direct impact on human lives. Today our physicists are using solar system as a metaphor to explain their relationship with electrons, protons and neutrons in the formation of matter. Their proposition holds good to explain that every matter has a nucleus and the electrons are revolving around them in an orbit in similar way as the planets are revolving around sun. These electrons do not maintain equi-distance and their orbit also varies from the nucleus. This resulted into understanding of atomic energy which we feel through our conscious energy throughout our life till we are alive.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
अरमानो की दास्तान-A poem
ऐ दिल तु बहोत अजीबसा है
अरमांनो का तु सागर है
हर मौज पे इक अरमांन उठता
जो तुझको बहा ले जाता है
सपनोकी डगरपे ये चलते
मन्जर इनका है ख्वाबोंका
कुछ ख्वाब तो सच होते लेकिन
बाकी एहसास मायूसी का
तकदीर के हर इक पन्ने पर
हर इक अरमां की कहानी है
कुछ पन्नॊपर बच्चपन की मेहेक
बाकी पर ढलती जवानी है
इस रंग बदलती दुनियांमे
ये भी अपना इमान बदले
कोई कुछ पलके थे मेहमांन
कोई साया बनकर साथ चले
टुटॆ हुए अरमांनो का बोझ
मानॊ जैसे कोई लाश लगे
गेहरी खामोशीका आलम
सब जग जैसे रूठा लागे
इतनी ठोकर खाकर फिर भी
क्युं आंस है इन अरमांनो की
धोका दे जाते है फिर भी
क्युं प्यास है इन अरमांनोकी
इतने अरमांन उढने पर भी
ऐ दिल फिर भी तु न है खाली
संसार की दौलत पाकर भी
सब कुछ जैसे खाली खाली
जीवन की बाज़ी खेल चुके
कुछ नही है बस है अकेले
जिती दुनियाँ तुझसे हारे
ऐ दिल तेरे खेल निराले
अरमांनो का तु सागर है
हर मौज पे इक अरमांन उठता
जो तुझको बहा ले जाता है
सपनोकी डगरपे ये चलते
मन्जर इनका है ख्वाबोंका
कुछ ख्वाब तो सच होते लेकिन
बाकी एहसास मायूसी का
तकदीर के हर इक पन्ने पर
हर इक अरमां की कहानी है
कुछ पन्नॊपर बच्चपन की मेहेक
बाकी पर ढलती जवानी है
इस रंग बदलती दुनियांमे
ये भी अपना इमान बदले
कोई कुछ पलके थे मेहमांन
कोई साया बनकर साथ चले
टुटॆ हुए अरमांनो का बोझ
मानॊ जैसे कोई लाश लगे
गेहरी खामोशीका आलम
सब जग जैसे रूठा लागे
इतनी ठोकर खाकर फिर भी
क्युं आंस है इन अरमांनो की
धोका दे जाते है फिर भी
क्युं प्यास है इन अरमांनोकी
इतने अरमांन उढने पर भी
ऐ दिल फिर भी तु न है खाली
संसार की दौलत पाकर भी
सब कुछ जैसे खाली खाली
जीवन की बाज़ी खेल चुके
कुछ नही है बस है अकेले
जिती दुनियाँ तुझसे हारे
ऐ दिल तेरे खेल निराले
Sunday, September 12, 2010
जीवन उद्देश्श-A poem
अन्जान सफ़र के राही है
कुछ देर के सब हमराही है
कुछ रोकर सफ़र ये तय करते
कुछ हंस कर चलते रह्ते है
कुछ का जीवन सुविधा से भरा
कुछ का जीवन दुविधा से भरा
कुछ सुखमय रथके है राही
कुछ जलते पथपर चलते है
कुछ सुखमें दुख अनुभव करते
कुछ दुखमें भी सुख चुनते है
कुछ को अभिलाषा जग जीते
कुछ हर आशाको तरसते है
जिस क्षण जीवन हमको मिलता
उस क्षण इस पार के राही है
जब काल का पलडा हो भारी
अनजान डगर के राही है
सब देखके भी अनदेखा करें
सब जानके भी अनजाने है
दो हाथ ह्जारों आंस लिये
मदहोश है सब मतवाले है
मेरा हो या तेरा जीवन
सब की इकसी ही कहानी है
पलभर ना हम आराम करें
हर उम्रकी यही रवानी है
तकदीर से ज्यादा ना पाकर
भगवान को हम बदनाम करें
खुदको भगवान बनाकर हम
अपनी किस्मत की कहानी लिखें
धनवान हो या निर्धन कोई
दाता की नजर मे एकसे है
कर्मो से हम बनते रावण
कर्मो से ही हम राम बने
जैसी करनी वैसी भरनी
जो बॊया फल वो पाना है
खाली हाथों से आये है
खाली हाथों से जाना है
गुजरे हुए अखबारों की तरह
अस्तित्व हमारा है प्यारे
बेदर्द ज़माने का दस्तुर
कुडा करकट फौरन त्यागे
अनमोल है तोह्फ़ा जीवनका
उसकॊ बरबाद न कर प्यारे
मरकर भी हमें कोई याद करें
जीवन ये सफ़ल है तब प्यारे
कुछ देर के सब हमराही है
कुछ रोकर सफ़र ये तय करते
कुछ हंस कर चलते रह्ते है
कुछ का जीवन सुविधा से भरा
कुछ का जीवन दुविधा से भरा
कुछ सुखमय रथके है राही
कुछ जलते पथपर चलते है
कुछ सुखमें दुख अनुभव करते
कुछ दुखमें भी सुख चुनते है
कुछ को अभिलाषा जग जीते
कुछ हर आशाको तरसते है
जिस क्षण जीवन हमको मिलता
उस क्षण इस पार के राही है
जब काल का पलडा हो भारी
अनजान डगर के राही है
सब देखके भी अनदेखा करें
सब जानके भी अनजाने है
दो हाथ ह्जारों आंस लिये
मदहोश है सब मतवाले है
मेरा हो या तेरा जीवन
सब की इकसी ही कहानी है
पलभर ना हम आराम करें
हर उम्रकी यही रवानी है
तकदीर से ज्यादा ना पाकर
भगवान को हम बदनाम करें
खुदको भगवान बनाकर हम
अपनी किस्मत की कहानी लिखें
धनवान हो या निर्धन कोई
दाता की नजर मे एकसे है
कर्मो से हम बनते रावण
कर्मो से ही हम राम बने
जैसी करनी वैसी भरनी
जो बॊया फल वो पाना है
खाली हाथों से आये है
खाली हाथों से जाना है
गुजरे हुए अखबारों की तरह
अस्तित्व हमारा है प्यारे
बेदर्द ज़माने का दस्तुर
कुडा करकट फौरन त्यागे
अनमोल है तोह्फ़ा जीवनका
उसकॊ बरबाद न कर प्यारे
मरकर भी हमें कोई याद करें
जीवन ये सफ़ल है तब प्यारे
Sunday, September 5, 2010
मेरा दिन भी आय़ॆगा-A poem
आशाओंके इन्द्रधनुशका हर रंग लेहेराएगा
खुशीयोंकी बौछार लिये मेरा दिन भी आय़ॆगा
इन बेहेती हवाओंसे उम्मीदकी मेहेक आ रही है
हर गल्ली हर राह भी प्यारसे गुनगुना रही है
अब जीतका तराना मेरा दिल भी गायेगा
खुशीयोंकी बौछार लिये मेरा दिन भी आय़ॆगा
कुछ करनेकी सच्ची धुन अब दिलपे छाई है
अपने आपको आजमानेकी हमने कसम खाई है
मुश्कीलोंका दौर अब फिरसे नही आएगा
खुशीयोंकी बौछार लिये मेरा दिन भी आय़ॆगा
तनहाईकी रात अब खत्म होनेको आई है
उम्मीदका हाथ थामे सुरजकी किरन आई है
कामयाबीकी राहपर हर सपना सजेगा
खुशीयोंकी बौछार लिये मेरा दिन भी आय़ॆगा
खुशीयोंकी बौछार लिये मेरा दिन भी आय़ॆगा
इन बेहेती हवाओंसे उम्मीदकी मेहेक आ रही है
हर गल्ली हर राह भी प्यारसे गुनगुना रही है
अब जीतका तराना मेरा दिल भी गायेगा
खुशीयोंकी बौछार लिये मेरा दिन भी आय़ॆगा
कुछ करनेकी सच्ची धुन अब दिलपे छाई है
अपने आपको आजमानेकी हमने कसम खाई है
मुश्कीलोंका दौर अब फिरसे नही आएगा
खुशीयोंकी बौछार लिये मेरा दिन भी आय़ॆगा
तनहाईकी रात अब खत्म होनेको आई है
उम्मीदका हाथ थामे सुरजकी किरन आई है
कामयाबीकी राहपर हर सपना सजेगा
खुशीयोंकी बौछार लिये मेरा दिन भी आय़ॆगा
The foundation of our human existence is based on core belief we have about ourselves or who we are. This is called our identity. These beliefs define our individuality that makes us unique in this world. The more we are certain about them the more we create limits within which we live our life. The biggest bearing these beliefs bring is the way we evaluate any thing in our lives. Since we evaluate them within certain framework of our identity, they not just guide us to conclude but teach us how to feel and what action we should take. Sometimes they affect relations and make us decide how to think and feel, derive meaning in anything he or she does. If our belief about his or her love is strong then his or her intentions are never questioned even if he or she is angry. This is just one area of life where belief brings impact to certain extent.
The most important thing about beliefs is they shape our lives. They bring profound influence not only on our capabilities to do any thing but our beliefs to filter perceptions of all kind. They directly control consistency of our decisions of life. They control our physical, emotional and mental destiny. What is function of our capabilities? It is to define what we can do and what we cannot do. These beliefs again define who we are and who we are not. We not only look upon ourselves what we are capable of but also look upon what we are not capable of. This capability is constant in each individual but some use more and some use less depending upon their identity about themselves. The children show dramatic change in their performance if they are convinced that they are gifted.Also it is important to change the capabilities in order to grow and expand in life for that these children have to challenge themselves. It does not need much intelligence. Only they require is the sense of certainty that they are superiors.
Also perceptions affect the behavior like beliefs. If we carry perception about a person, these perceptions generate appropriate response for that person. It does not matter whether our perception are true or not. However whatever response is generated, it is always consistent with the perception or view. If our perception is declared publicly, we experience intense pressure to remain consistent with those views.
Beliefs can work negatively as there are people who believe that it is next to impossible to change ourselves. It is not true. If a person is addicted to any kind of drug, it is only due to belief that he carries that he is addicted to drug. Even if he leaves those habits of drug, he returns back to his habit thinking this is his true identity forgetting conveniently that taking drug is his conscious decision. When this person develops conviction that he is drug free, that is when his behavior changes to support his new identity. The lasting change would come only when he does this with sense of certainty. This shift in identity causes shift in entire belief system which includes shift in system of evaluation, the values that guide his action and the references that organize into beliefs.
If we repeatedly attempt to make particular change but continually fall short, then that is because we are creating emotional shift which is inconsistent with our belief “who we are”. Identities are formed due to long held beliefs and values. If we understand how we arrive at our present identity and how we can expand this identity then we can instantaneously change our identity in a matter of moment. We generally identify people by their action. Also we look upon ourselves as what we do to determine who we are. The more we do certain thing, the more we identify ourselves with our act. The more we make statement we believe, the more we willingly back it up. This consistent behavior helps form our identity. This way we can shift our identity. The identity of person does not get limited due to limited experiences of life. It gets limited due to interpretations of these experiences. These interpretations help us to decide who we are. We fuse ourselves with decisions we make for ourselves. This fusion creates label for us. The way we define our identity, it defines our life.
The most important thing about beliefs is they shape our lives. They bring profound influence not only on our capabilities to do any thing but our beliefs to filter perceptions of all kind. They directly control consistency of our decisions of life. They control our physical, emotional and mental destiny. What is function of our capabilities? It is to define what we can do and what we cannot do. These beliefs again define who we are and who we are not. We not only look upon ourselves what we are capable of but also look upon what we are not capable of. This capability is constant in each individual but some use more and some use less depending upon their identity about themselves. The children show dramatic change in their performance if they are convinced that they are gifted.Also it is important to change the capabilities in order to grow and expand in life for that these children have to challenge themselves. It does not need much intelligence. Only they require is the sense of certainty that they are superiors.
Also perceptions affect the behavior like beliefs. If we carry perception about a person, these perceptions generate appropriate response for that person. It does not matter whether our perception are true or not. However whatever response is generated, it is always consistent with the perception or view. If our perception is declared publicly, we experience intense pressure to remain consistent with those views.
Beliefs can work negatively as there are people who believe that it is next to impossible to change ourselves. It is not true. If a person is addicted to any kind of drug, it is only due to belief that he carries that he is addicted to drug. Even if he leaves those habits of drug, he returns back to his habit thinking this is his true identity forgetting conveniently that taking drug is his conscious decision. When this person develops conviction that he is drug free, that is when his behavior changes to support his new identity. The lasting change would come only when he does this with sense of certainty. This shift in identity causes shift in entire belief system which includes shift in system of evaluation, the values that guide his action and the references that organize into beliefs.
If we repeatedly attempt to make particular change but continually fall short, then that is because we are creating emotional shift which is inconsistent with our belief “who we are”. Identities are formed due to long held beliefs and values. If we understand how we arrive at our present identity and how we can expand this identity then we can instantaneously change our identity in a matter of moment. We generally identify people by their action. Also we look upon ourselves as what we do to determine who we are. The more we do certain thing, the more we identify ourselves with our act. The more we make statement we believe, the more we willingly back it up. This consistent behavior helps form our identity. This way we can shift our identity. The identity of person does not get limited due to limited experiences of life. It gets limited due to interpretations of these experiences. These interpretations help us to decide who we are. We fuse ourselves with decisions we make for ourselves. This fusion creates label for us. The way we define our identity, it defines our life.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
It is fifth center of consciousness or plexus in the order of seven chakras and is also called “Throat Plexus”. This center is located at the throat and is associated with thyroid gland, lungs and respiratory system. There are sixteen nerves interconnected with each other to form a plexus with a circle inside and is associated with expression of truth as we know it in our heart. Expressing can be in the form of communicating what one wants and what one feels, or it can be an artistic expression as an artist painting, a dancer dancing, a musician playing music, using a form for expressing and bringing to the outside what is within. Expressing is related to receiving, as in, “Ask and ye shall receive.” Its element is sound and governs communication, expression of thoughts and feelings and the plexus that forms controls neck, throat, jaw, voice, trachea, bronchial system, upper lungs, esophagus and arms.
Abundance, therefore, is associated with this chakra, as is the aspect of unconditional receiving, necessary to accept the abundance of the Universe. This is the first level of consciousness in which one perceives directly another level of intelligence, and experiences one’s interaction with this other intelligence.
Main characteristic of such person is they are communicative and are gifted with emotional intelligence. Before they express their idea’s they clarify things within themselves. They have courage to stand by their opinions and they give true expressions to their ideas. They are likely to be gifted singers and actors and can excel in areas of academia and the sciences. They are never afraid of exposing their weaknesses and strength. The truth is their highest goal.
The energy that flows through this center makes a person loyal, trustworthy, affectionate, caring, tactful and calm whereas an imbalance in this center can make one unfaithful, self righteous, untrustworthy and cold. Some diseases and conditions associated with the Throat Chakra are thyroid, anorexia, asthma, bronchitis, hearing problems, tinnitus, mouth ulcers, sore throats and tonsillitis.
Spiritual characteristic of such person is they belong to faculty of higher discrimination. Realization coming into their consciousness through this center is from the higher level of knowledge. This center is also known as center of nectar and poison. The nectar is transcendental fluid or called “The Dew of Heaven”. An inactive center sends this fluid downwards without any impediment to be consumed in the fire of Manipur Chakra resulting in decay, degeneration and death of body tissues. When this center is awakened, the divine fluid is retained and utilized by the body tissues becoming nectar of immortality thus giving rise to youthfulness and regeneration of body.
This center is called Vishudha chakra for the reason that at this level, negative or poisonous aspect of existence get integrated with total being and become powerless. Their badness falls away and they get absorbed and transformed into a state of bliss. They become pure.
Abundance, therefore, is associated with this chakra, as is the aspect of unconditional receiving, necessary to accept the abundance of the Universe. This is the first level of consciousness in which one perceives directly another level of intelligence, and experiences one’s interaction with this other intelligence.
Main characteristic of such person is they are communicative and are gifted with emotional intelligence. Before they express their idea’s they clarify things within themselves. They have courage to stand by their opinions and they give true expressions to their ideas. They are likely to be gifted singers and actors and can excel in areas of academia and the sciences. They are never afraid of exposing their weaknesses and strength. The truth is their highest goal.
The energy that flows through this center makes a person loyal, trustworthy, affectionate, caring, tactful and calm whereas an imbalance in this center can make one unfaithful, self righteous, untrustworthy and cold. Some diseases and conditions associated with the Throat Chakra are thyroid, anorexia, asthma, bronchitis, hearing problems, tinnitus, mouth ulcers, sore throats and tonsillitis.
Spiritual characteristic of such person is they belong to faculty of higher discrimination. Realization coming into their consciousness through this center is from the higher level of knowledge. This center is also known as center of nectar and poison. The nectar is transcendental fluid or called “The Dew of Heaven”. An inactive center sends this fluid downwards without any impediment to be consumed in the fire of Manipur Chakra resulting in decay, degeneration and death of body tissues. When this center is awakened, the divine fluid is retained and utilized by the body tissues becoming nectar of immortality thus giving rise to youthfulness and regeneration of body.
This center is called Vishudha chakra for the reason that at this level, negative or poisonous aspect of existence get integrated with total being and become powerless. Their badness falls away and they get absorbed and transformed into a state of bliss. They become pure.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
कल जो गुजरा उसॆ भुलाके तो देख
आज के साथ जिन्दगी जी के तो देख
खुशगवांर होंगे हर आनेवाले पल
वक्त के साथ कदम मिलाके तो देख
ख्वाईशॊंमॆ जॊर हो तो आसमां की ऊंचाईभी कम है
कदमोमे हौसला हो तो काटोंभरे रास्तेभी कम है
इरादोमें ताकत हो तो मुश्किलों भरी मन्ज़िलभी कम है
खुदपे भरोसा हो तो इम्तिहानोका काफ़ीला भी कम है
एक दिन ऐसा होगा कल आजसे बेहतर होगा
आज राहोंमे काटें है कल वह फ़ुलोसें भरा होगा
एक दिन ऐसा होगा कल आजसे बेहतर होगा
आज ज़िन्दगी वीरान है कल सावनसे भरा होगा
एक दिन ऐसा होगा कल आजसे बेहतर होगा
आज कदम कमजोर है कल ज़माना पिछे होगा
एक दिन ऐसा होगा कल आजसे बेहतर होगा
आज सरपे धुप है कल प्यारका साया होगा
एक दिन ऐसा होगा कल आजसे बेहतर होगा
आज ज़माना दुशमन है कल सारा आलम साथ होगा
एक दिन ऐसा होगा कल आजसे बेहतर होगा
आज खुशीयाँ रूठी है कल कामयाबीका जष्न होगा
एक दिन ऐसा होगा कल आजसे बेहतर होगा
आज आशाऎं जगी है कल हर सपना सच होगा
आज के साथ जिन्दगी जी के तो देख
खुशगवांर होंगे हर आनेवाले पल
वक्त के साथ कदम मिलाके तो देख
ख्वाईशॊंमॆ जॊर हो तो आसमां की ऊंचाईभी कम है
कदमोमे हौसला हो तो काटोंभरे रास्तेभी कम है
इरादोमें ताकत हो तो मुश्किलों भरी मन्ज़िलभी कम है
खुदपे भरोसा हो तो इम्तिहानोका काफ़ीला भी कम है
एक दिन ऐसा होगा कल आजसे बेहतर होगा
आज राहोंमे काटें है कल वह फ़ुलोसें भरा होगा
एक दिन ऐसा होगा कल आजसे बेहतर होगा
आज ज़िन्दगी वीरान है कल सावनसे भरा होगा
एक दिन ऐसा होगा कल आजसे बेहतर होगा
आज कदम कमजोर है कल ज़माना पिछे होगा
एक दिन ऐसा होगा कल आजसे बेहतर होगा
आज सरपे धुप है कल प्यारका साया होगा
एक दिन ऐसा होगा कल आजसे बेहतर होगा
आज ज़माना दुशमन है कल सारा आलम साथ होगा
एक दिन ऐसा होगा कल आजसे बेहतर होगा
आज खुशीयाँ रूठी है कल कामयाबीका जष्न होगा
एक दिन ऐसा होगा कल आजसे बेहतर होगा
आज आशाऎं जगी है कल हर सपना सच होगा
Sunday, August 1, 2010
It is fourth Chakra in line of seven Chakra or plexus and resides at the centre of all of them. It is a point where twelve nerves conjoin together to form a plexus. It is also a balance point between the world of physical matter and the world of spiritual energies. It is located between left and right chest, above navel and below throat and the plexus that forms controls upper chest, lungs, heart, ribs, breasts, abdominal diaphragm, thymus glands and circulatory system etc.
Energy that flows through this Chakra is energy of love, compassion, kindness and the reverse of it hate, jealousy and hatred. This occurs due to unbalanced emotions that reverse the nature of energy. Unbalanced chakra also gives rise to low self esteem, unable to forgive others or self, over possessiveness, lack of empathy, over dependency on others, miserness, bitterness and indifference etc. Where as balanced chakra brings emotions of compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love for others.
Main characteristic of such personality is they are warm, loving, tolerant and compassionate towards others. Their hearts and hands are open to all and are true to themselves. They have ability to make world around them a better place to live and make contributions to the professions they are in. The energy of peace which they have in their heart brings calming and comforting effect on others. They have power of accepting people as they are.
In fact this chakra is a kind of a knot between physical world and spiritual world till it is awakened. Awakening of this chakra is a kind of freedom to escape from preordained fate and to determine one’s own destiny and freewill. It is completely beyond empirical dimensions. It is kind of wish fulfilling tree but is solely dependent on one’s consciousness rather than any external feeling of faith. Initially all negative feeling like pessimism towards life, fears etc that are trapped in this chakra start surfacing first. One has to be alert not to allow them to take complete control over his mind. They are just mental tendencies and fantasies of mind. Its awakening brings refined emotions which are characterized by feeling of universality and unlimited love for all beings.
Out of twelve nerves one nerve connects to heart and ancient yogis believed that that was an actual center of spiritual consciousness, called "the lotus of the heart," situated between the abdomen and the thorax, which could be revealed in deep meditation. In spiritualism it is called lotus seat of Atman or Brahma or Godhead or universal consciousness, the real seer unknown to us. They claimed that it had the form of a Lotus and that it shone with an inner light. It was said to be "beyond sorrow," since those who saw it were filled with an extraordinary sense of peace and joy.
Assuming our body as city of Brahman, there is the heart and within the heart there is a little house. This house has the shape of a lotus, and within it dwells that which is to be sought after, inquired about, and realized. Even so large as the universe outside is the universe within the lotus of the heart. Within it are heaven and earth, the sun, the moon, the lightning and all the stars. Whatever is in the macrocosm is in this microcosm also.
Though old age comes to the body, the lotus of the heart does not grow old. It does not die with the death of the body. The lotus of the heart, where Brahman resides in all his glory is the true city of Brahman. Brahman, dwelling therein, is untouched by any deed, ageless, deathless, free from grief, free from hunger and from thirst. Brahman is passionless and indivisible. He is pure. He is the light of all lights. His desires are right desires, and his desires are fulfilled. If the body is thought of as a busy and noisy city then in the middle of this city, there is a little shrine, and that, within this shrine, the Atman, our real nature, is present. No matter what is going on in the streets outside, we can always enter that shrine and worship. It is always open.
Upon awakening of this chakra an aspirant can hear the sound of AUM like humming of a bird. Our scientists have proved that no sound can occur without collision or impact. However occurrence of sound AUM heard at this chakra is produced without any collision or impact. It is because of this phenomenon, this chakra is called “An-Ahat” or chakra that produces AUM without any impact. OM is almost certainly the most ancient word for God that has come down to us through the ages. It has universal sense, implying no special deity. It is the most sacred word of all. But what really matters is that we should appreciate the power of the “Word” in our spiritual life; and this appreciation can come only through practical experience.
Energy that flows through this Chakra is energy of love, compassion, kindness and the reverse of it hate, jealousy and hatred. This occurs due to unbalanced emotions that reverse the nature of energy. Unbalanced chakra also gives rise to low self esteem, unable to forgive others or self, over possessiveness, lack of empathy, over dependency on others, miserness, bitterness and indifference etc. Where as balanced chakra brings emotions of compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love for others.
Main characteristic of such personality is they are warm, loving, tolerant and compassionate towards others. Their hearts and hands are open to all and are true to themselves. They have ability to make world around them a better place to live and make contributions to the professions they are in. The energy of peace which they have in their heart brings calming and comforting effect on others. They have power of accepting people as they are.
In fact this chakra is a kind of a knot between physical world and spiritual world till it is awakened. Awakening of this chakra is a kind of freedom to escape from preordained fate and to determine one’s own destiny and freewill. It is completely beyond empirical dimensions. It is kind of wish fulfilling tree but is solely dependent on one’s consciousness rather than any external feeling of faith. Initially all negative feeling like pessimism towards life, fears etc that are trapped in this chakra start surfacing first. One has to be alert not to allow them to take complete control over his mind. They are just mental tendencies and fantasies of mind. Its awakening brings refined emotions which are characterized by feeling of universality and unlimited love for all beings.
Out of twelve nerves one nerve connects to heart and ancient yogis believed that that was an actual center of spiritual consciousness, called "the lotus of the heart," situated between the abdomen and the thorax, which could be revealed in deep meditation. In spiritualism it is called lotus seat of Atman or Brahma or Godhead or universal consciousness, the real seer unknown to us. They claimed that it had the form of a Lotus and that it shone with an inner light. It was said to be "beyond sorrow," since those who saw it were filled with an extraordinary sense of peace and joy.
Assuming our body as city of Brahman, there is the heart and within the heart there is a little house. This house has the shape of a lotus, and within it dwells that which is to be sought after, inquired about, and realized. Even so large as the universe outside is the universe within the lotus of the heart. Within it are heaven and earth, the sun, the moon, the lightning and all the stars. Whatever is in the macrocosm is in this microcosm also.
Though old age comes to the body, the lotus of the heart does not grow old. It does not die with the death of the body. The lotus of the heart, where Brahman resides in all his glory is the true city of Brahman. Brahman, dwelling therein, is untouched by any deed, ageless, deathless, free from grief, free from hunger and from thirst. Brahman is passionless and indivisible. He is pure. He is the light of all lights. His desires are right desires, and his desires are fulfilled. If the body is thought of as a busy and noisy city then in the middle of this city, there is a little shrine, and that, within this shrine, the Atman, our real nature, is present. No matter what is going on in the streets outside, we can always enter that shrine and worship. It is always open.
Upon awakening of this chakra an aspirant can hear the sound of AUM like humming of a bird. Our scientists have proved that no sound can occur without collision or impact. However occurrence of sound AUM heard at this chakra is produced without any collision or impact. It is because of this phenomenon, this chakra is called “An-Ahat” or chakra that produces AUM without any impact. OM is almost certainly the most ancient word for God that has come down to us through the ages. It has universal sense, implying no special deity. It is the most sacred word of all. But what really matters is that we should appreciate the power of the “Word” in our spiritual life; and this appreciation can come only through practical experience.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
कहने को ये घडी है
समयकी ये हथकडी है
टिक टिक कॆ संगीतसे
मेरे जीवनसे ये जुडी है
ना कभी कुछ कह्ती
ना कभी कुछ चाहती
एकसी रफ़्तारसे
केवल आगेकी तरफ़ चलती
दिन गुजरके शाम हो जाती
रात भी थकके सो जाती
इस भागती दौडती दुनियाका
हर पल आभास कराती
समयनॆ जीवनके रंग बदले
जीवन मुल्योंके अर्थ बदले
जिस भीडका मै हिस्सा था
उसीमे अपनेको पाया अकेले
आज उसकी टिक टिक धिमीसी थी
रफ़्तार भी कुछ थकी थकीसी थी
अन्तिम सांसें गिन रही थी
आंखॊ आंखो से कुछ कह रही थी
देख जीवन अनिश्चित है
सबका यहांसे जाना सुनिश्चित है
जिस जीवनरेतको तु मुठ्ठीमे धरे है
वो कण कणसे गिरेगी वो निश्चित है
भविष्य वर्तमानमे बदल जाएगा
वर्तमान भूतकालमे सो जाएगा
जिस माटीसे तु उभरा है
उसी माटीमे इक दिन खो जाएगा
कर्तव्य पथ का राही बन
निरन्तर चलता जा
फलकी चिन्ता मत कर
बिन अभिलाषा पा
अतिथी बनकर आया है
खुशीयां देता जा
प्यारे तेरे बोल ये
सबको देता जा
जीवनकी नश्वरता स्वीकार हुई
सॄष्टी मानो जैसे स्तब्ध हुई
कर्मकी श्रेष्ठताका आभास हुआ
मृत्युकी सत्यता स्विकार हुई
मांगे जो मिलता नही
सरल जीवन का सार
इतना सब कुछ कह गयी
बिन चिठ्ठी बिन तार
कर्तव्य बोध का ग्यान देकर
अब वो बिल कुल चुप है
सुख दुख के हर पल से
अब वो बिल कुल मुक्त है
समयकी ये हथकडी है
टिक टिक कॆ संगीतसे
मेरे जीवनसे ये जुडी है
ना कभी कुछ कह्ती
ना कभी कुछ चाहती
एकसी रफ़्तारसे
केवल आगेकी तरफ़ चलती
दिन गुजरके शाम हो जाती
रात भी थकके सो जाती
इस भागती दौडती दुनियाका
हर पल आभास कराती
समयनॆ जीवनके रंग बदले
जीवन मुल्योंके अर्थ बदले
जिस भीडका मै हिस्सा था
उसीमे अपनेको पाया अकेले
आज उसकी टिक टिक धिमीसी थी
रफ़्तार भी कुछ थकी थकीसी थी
अन्तिम सांसें गिन रही थी
आंखॊ आंखो से कुछ कह रही थी
देख जीवन अनिश्चित है
सबका यहांसे जाना सुनिश्चित है
जिस जीवनरेतको तु मुठ्ठीमे धरे है
वो कण कणसे गिरेगी वो निश्चित है
भविष्य वर्तमानमे बदल जाएगा
वर्तमान भूतकालमे सो जाएगा
जिस माटीसे तु उभरा है
उसी माटीमे इक दिन खो जाएगा
कर्तव्य पथ का राही बन
निरन्तर चलता जा
फलकी चिन्ता मत कर
बिन अभिलाषा पा
अतिथी बनकर आया है
खुशीयां देता जा
प्यारे तेरे बोल ये
सबको देता जा
जीवनकी नश्वरता स्वीकार हुई
सॄष्टी मानो जैसे स्तब्ध हुई
कर्मकी श्रेष्ठताका आभास हुआ
मृत्युकी सत्यता स्विकार हुई
मांगे जो मिलता नही
सरल जीवन का सार
इतना सब कुछ कह गयी
बिन चिठ्ठी बिन तार
कर्तव्य बोध का ग्यान देकर
अब वो बिल कुल चुप है
सुख दुख के हर पल से
अब वो बिल कुल मुक्त है
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Rules are like devices that trigger our emotions. We humans though have different rules for same values, they bring great impact on our lives. This impact is kind of a pain or pleasure that affects our lives. In fact we have several ways to feel bad but few ways to feel good.
Some times it is due to religious and cultural conditioning these rules get created and some times we create them to feel successful or would get motivated to work hard for achieving something in life.
Why do we impose such rules? There are several reasons and one such reason is we throughout the day observe people who touch our lives through set of rules. Most of them don’t even know our rules and we never express it to them. In spite of that we wish people to know them and comply with it. If they don’t then we start carrying hard emotions for ourselves and likely to carry hard emotions for others. It is important to communicate these rules subtly without upsetting anybody because it is difficult to expect people to know about the rules. If they are not known to other people, they get easily violated and may create misunderstanding. If we see somebody breaking them we get upset. We don’t feel good.
Before we set rules we have to check if they are empowering us to feel good. If it is difficult to meet the criteria of the rules, they will disempower our lives. If we cannot control them they will again disempower our lives. If we feel more bad than more good then again they are disempowering rules.
Hence rules should be such that they would move us in direction of human values, using criteria which we can control and which are achievable. If they are unachievable, they become non starters, a burden and unacceptable to others. If we are making rules of expecting perfection from family members and others; it is impossible to meet such rule. It is unachievable as nobody is perfect in this world. We cannot control actions and emotions of other people. Also such rule brings unpleasantness and upsets everybody.
It is very easy to set rules then to move away from them, once they start controlling our lives as well as our destiny. Therefore it is better we start scrutinizing them for their ability to bring success in our life. It is never too late to check them than blindly adapting them through beliefs. As rules generate behavior pattern, all we have to do is to create system of evaluating and controlling these rules, if they are achievable and they bring happiness in our lives. Happiness comes with achievement of goal and this happiness brings better treatment to our friends, colleagues and pals. These rules can be called personal rules.
Today everybody is living stressful life specially woman in our society. Not only do they have to have perfect body, they have to take care of their husband, children, parents, relatives and friends and that too perfectly. Same is also expected of men of our society. There are also rules which are agreed by human society in general like if I want health I must not smoke. If I want happiness in relation with my wife or husband then I must not have extra marital affairs. There are some rules which are never violated because of shear pain associated with it. But some rules though we should not break, we violate it again and again because we never treat them seriously. Because we assume so many things in lives.
Rules can give environment which is needed to be successful in life. They can motivate us to grow and expand in our life. What is required is balance between personal rules and never to be violated rules in appropriate context. If we don’t know the rules we may sooner or later violate them but if we observe people and understand their rules then we can predict their behavior and meet their needs. The most empowering rule is to enjoy the life no matter what happens.
Some times it is due to religious and cultural conditioning these rules get created and some times we create them to feel successful or would get motivated to work hard for achieving something in life.
Why do we impose such rules? There are several reasons and one such reason is we throughout the day observe people who touch our lives through set of rules. Most of them don’t even know our rules and we never express it to them. In spite of that we wish people to know them and comply with it. If they don’t then we start carrying hard emotions for ourselves and likely to carry hard emotions for others. It is important to communicate these rules subtly without upsetting anybody because it is difficult to expect people to know about the rules. If they are not known to other people, they get easily violated and may create misunderstanding. If we see somebody breaking them we get upset. We don’t feel good.
Before we set rules we have to check if they are empowering us to feel good. If it is difficult to meet the criteria of the rules, they will disempower our lives. If we cannot control them they will again disempower our lives. If we feel more bad than more good then again they are disempowering rules.
Hence rules should be such that they would move us in direction of human values, using criteria which we can control and which are achievable. If they are unachievable, they become non starters, a burden and unacceptable to others. If we are making rules of expecting perfection from family members and others; it is impossible to meet such rule. It is unachievable as nobody is perfect in this world. We cannot control actions and emotions of other people. Also such rule brings unpleasantness and upsets everybody.
It is very easy to set rules then to move away from them, once they start controlling our lives as well as our destiny. Therefore it is better we start scrutinizing them for their ability to bring success in our life. It is never too late to check them than blindly adapting them through beliefs. As rules generate behavior pattern, all we have to do is to create system of evaluating and controlling these rules, if they are achievable and they bring happiness in our lives. Happiness comes with achievement of goal and this happiness brings better treatment to our friends, colleagues and pals. These rules can be called personal rules.
Today everybody is living stressful life specially woman in our society. Not only do they have to have perfect body, they have to take care of their husband, children, parents, relatives and friends and that too perfectly. Same is also expected of men of our society. There are also rules which are agreed by human society in general like if I want health I must not smoke. If I want happiness in relation with my wife or husband then I must not have extra marital affairs. There are some rules which are never violated because of shear pain associated with it. But some rules though we should not break, we violate it again and again because we never treat them seriously. Because we assume so many things in lives.
Rules can give environment which is needed to be successful in life. They can motivate us to grow and expand in our life. What is required is balance between personal rules and never to be violated rules in appropriate context. If we don’t know the rules we may sooner or later violate them but if we observe people and understand their rules then we can predict their behavior and meet their needs. The most empowering rule is to enjoy the life no matter what happens.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Human nature is to keep expectation. If they are met then we feel good but if they are not met then we are left unhappy. We all human being keep infinite range of emotions and each emotion responds to the beliefs we keep. Expectation is also one kind of emotion. People get excited and become emotional with each expectation they keep within their belief range. We also obsessively track theses expectation for their fulfillment. We crave for them as a thing of very scarce nature, but never look around for other things which are kind of miracle that happen with us every day.
Once these expectations are met we start framing rules, rules supported by beliefs and strengthened by experience we get. Experience is nothing but interpretation of controlling forces of our beliefs. What we believe we experience and once we experience, we try to make rule in order to occur a thing in a particular way. But if the thing does not happen in a way we desire or the way that makes us feel good then we start getting pain. We then say that the happening was not as per our expectation.
What has to happen in order for us to feel good? I would say, nothing has to happen in order for us to feel good. It is we who ask the brain to create a response or to change the biochemistry of our nervous system that causes us to feel that particular sensation called pleasure. It is our rule that say, if I get million dollars, I will feel good. If I get mail from my beloved, I will feel good. If I get four grade points in my final examination, I will feel good.
For every situation we try to establish rules and standard that would make us act in a particular way. But these rules have a base of belief that determines our emotions and behaviors to what is good and what is bad. What is important and what is not. This behavior is what is called rules. To discover these rules the easiest way is to put questions and judge response getting generated in our brain. We may ask our selves “what has to happen if I quit a job and join a new one”. “How should people react if they hear I have quit the job and joined new company?” Some may say we should become emotional while leaving the job. On the Other hand people would say, “No emotionality should be there, because if I am quitting the job, it is my decision. People would forget me the second day”
These rules activate our pain or pleasure. We become judge and jury within ourselves. We alone stage a miniature court within our brain and become judge and jury by ourselves. Those who break our set of rule become culprit and are damned for going against them without any say. Though we are hard wired to create judge and jury system, we have to assess each situation rationally.
Rules are like shortcut to responses that are generated by brain. They control every aspect of our lives. But the greatest dilemma is to generate perfect response matching the situation. Dilemma is due to judge and jury system that overplays in our mind. We set up these rules in a random style by influences to which we are exposed. These influences bring new values that shape our lives. We develop matching beliefs to achieve these values and very often abandon, twist and generalize old rules. These new rules which are in direct conflict with old rules will resist against them as they grow up. Thus some times they reward us and some times they punish us.
Most of us create rules which are unsuitable in defining success, security, making relationship or anything that bring change in our lives. Since everything in our lives is presided by this judge and jury system, it hurts our current life. That is the reason; we are what we are in our lives.
Once these expectations are met we start framing rules, rules supported by beliefs and strengthened by experience we get. Experience is nothing but interpretation of controlling forces of our beliefs. What we believe we experience and once we experience, we try to make rule in order to occur a thing in a particular way. But if the thing does not happen in a way we desire or the way that makes us feel good then we start getting pain. We then say that the happening was not as per our expectation.
What has to happen in order for us to feel good? I would say, nothing has to happen in order for us to feel good. It is we who ask the brain to create a response or to change the biochemistry of our nervous system that causes us to feel that particular sensation called pleasure. It is our rule that say, if I get million dollars, I will feel good. If I get mail from my beloved, I will feel good. If I get four grade points in my final examination, I will feel good.
For every situation we try to establish rules and standard that would make us act in a particular way. But these rules have a base of belief that determines our emotions and behaviors to what is good and what is bad. What is important and what is not. This behavior is what is called rules. To discover these rules the easiest way is to put questions and judge response getting generated in our brain. We may ask our selves “what has to happen if I quit a job and join a new one”. “How should people react if they hear I have quit the job and joined new company?” Some may say we should become emotional while leaving the job. On the Other hand people would say, “No emotionality should be there, because if I am quitting the job, it is my decision. People would forget me the second day”
These rules activate our pain or pleasure. We become judge and jury within ourselves. We alone stage a miniature court within our brain and become judge and jury by ourselves. Those who break our set of rule become culprit and are damned for going against them without any say. Though we are hard wired to create judge and jury system, we have to assess each situation rationally.
Rules are like shortcut to responses that are generated by brain. They control every aspect of our lives. But the greatest dilemma is to generate perfect response matching the situation. Dilemma is due to judge and jury system that overplays in our mind. We set up these rules in a random style by influences to which we are exposed. These influences bring new values that shape our lives. We develop matching beliefs to achieve these values and very often abandon, twist and generalize old rules. These new rules which are in direct conflict with old rules will resist against them as they grow up. Thus some times they reward us and some times they punish us.
Most of us create rules which are unsuitable in defining success, security, making relationship or anything that bring change in our lives. Since everything in our lives is presided by this judge and jury system, it hurts our current life. That is the reason; we are what we are in our lives.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
There are many people who do not know what is important to them. They just grapple in dark lane of life, waffle on many issues without deciding or taking any stand on them. But if we want deepest fulfillment of life then we have to decide many things and do what is important to us in this life. However we never decide to take action and have no clear idea as to how to take action. We differ to take action and or we have tough time to make decision about that. Why? Because all decisions making comes down to value clarification. We are never clear about what is important to us. Decision making becomes kind of torture. But this is not true for those who have clear idea of their highest principles of their lives. Values are like personal compass which guides our lives through all kind of hazards and perils.
Recognization and power comes to those who submerge their action with their philosophies. Those who have grasp over their own values and live by them; they are admired and respected universally. Every human being, belonging to what ever culture is embodied with some integrity and value which change according to right or wrong perceptions we bring in. They continually change depending upon the impact of circumstances and situations experienced by him. Also there is always a clash between personal values and universal values. Every time a value is born, human existence takes on a new meaning. We must realize that direction of our lives is controlled by magnetic pull of our values. They are force within us consistently leading us to make decisions that create our direction and destiny.
We have to understand ourselves before we understand values. Values are something that we hold dear. Those that we hold dear are called individual life values and the one that are followed by religions, nations, communities, cultures, organizations and companies universally are called universal life values. It is fact that within a nation there is constant shift going on within the values of culture as a whole. We have to learn from this that in our personal and professional lives, we have to be clear about what is important in our lives and we have to live by those values no matter what happens. This is possible only when we know what our values are. There are two types of values. One is called “end” and another is called “means”. For some family is value which is an end and for some money is value which is called means. But actually it is just an emotional state of mind which we desire to experience continuously in our lives.
Many people are not able to differentiate between ends and means and hence they experience pain in their lives. They are so busy pursuing mean values; they overlook their end values. They achieve means but miss out on end values thus living unfulfilled life. The end values are those that fulfill and make our lives rich and rewarding.
There are many human values but some core values through which we derive pleasure are
Abundance, Comfort, Commitment, Compassion, Cooperation, Fairness, Faith, Family, Fidelity, Freedom, Gratitude, Happiness, Health, Honesty, Hygiene, Impartiality, Integrity, Love, Loyalty, Peace, Philanthropy, Power, Purity, Respect, Sacrifice, Sharing, Success, Simplicity, Spirituality, Sympathy, Teamwork, Trust, Truth, Wealth, Wisdom.
Some of the values may be part of us and some may not be. There are some which are not list here. Any way, it is probably that we value some of them more than others and try to achieve it. There is also hierarchy to these values as they are more important then others depending our emotional state of mind. Remember these values are part of our character hence we should be more concerned about our character then our reputation because our character is what we really are and reputation is merely what others think we are.
Whatever our values, they affect direction of life. We have to learn that some values give us pleasure than others. What makes difference is to get the sense of control over them as controlling them brings control over decision making process. It helps draw focus on all our actions. It shapes with whom we will have relationships and what we will do within the relationship and how we will live with them. Values bring consistency in our relationship.
Recognization and power comes to those who submerge their action with their philosophies. Those who have grasp over their own values and live by them; they are admired and respected universally. Every human being, belonging to what ever culture is embodied with some integrity and value which change according to right or wrong perceptions we bring in. They continually change depending upon the impact of circumstances and situations experienced by him. Also there is always a clash between personal values and universal values. Every time a value is born, human existence takes on a new meaning. We must realize that direction of our lives is controlled by magnetic pull of our values. They are force within us consistently leading us to make decisions that create our direction and destiny.
We have to understand ourselves before we understand values. Values are something that we hold dear. Those that we hold dear are called individual life values and the one that are followed by religions, nations, communities, cultures, organizations and companies universally are called universal life values. It is fact that within a nation there is constant shift going on within the values of culture as a whole. We have to learn from this that in our personal and professional lives, we have to be clear about what is important in our lives and we have to live by those values no matter what happens. This is possible only when we know what our values are. There are two types of values. One is called “end” and another is called “means”. For some family is value which is an end and for some money is value which is called means. But actually it is just an emotional state of mind which we desire to experience continuously in our lives.
Many people are not able to differentiate between ends and means and hence they experience pain in their lives. They are so busy pursuing mean values; they overlook their end values. They achieve means but miss out on end values thus living unfulfilled life. The end values are those that fulfill and make our lives rich and rewarding.
There are many human values but some core values through which we derive pleasure are
Abundance, Comfort, Commitment, Compassion, Cooperation, Fairness, Faith, Family, Fidelity, Freedom, Gratitude, Happiness, Health, Honesty, Hygiene, Impartiality, Integrity, Love, Loyalty, Peace, Philanthropy, Power, Purity, Respect, Sacrifice, Sharing, Success, Simplicity, Spirituality, Sympathy, Teamwork, Trust, Truth, Wealth, Wisdom.
Some of the values may be part of us and some may not be. There are some which are not list here. Any way, it is probably that we value some of them more than others and try to achieve it. There is also hierarchy to these values as they are more important then others depending our emotional state of mind. Remember these values are part of our character hence we should be more concerned about our character then our reputation because our character is what we really are and reputation is merely what others think we are.
Whatever our values, they affect direction of life. We have to learn that some values give us pleasure than others. What makes difference is to get the sense of control over them as controlling them brings control over decision making process. It helps draw focus on all our actions. It shapes with whom we will have relationships and what we will do within the relationship and how we will live with them. Values bring consistency in our relationship.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
There are some fundamental techniques required to make people like you and win their heart. If we follow these rules then the whole world is with you. The first rule is to develop ability to speak well because these words will make their way to the people’s heart. Never criticize, condemn or complain about a person. Criticism is futile because it puts a person on the defensive and usually makes him strive to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous, because it wounds a person's precious pride, hurts his sense of importance, and arouses resentment. Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct. Instead of condemning people, let's try to understand them. Begin criticism with sincere praise. Give attention to people's mistakes indirectly. Admitting one's own mistakes - even when one hasn't corrected them, this can help convince somebody to change his behavior. Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person. Use praise instead of criticism. Abilities decline and become weak under criticism; they blossom under encouragement.
Some of the things most people want in their life include 1. Health and the preservation of life. 2. Food. 3. Sleep. 4. Money and the things money will buy. 5. Life in the hereafter. 6. Sexual gratification. 7. The well-being of our children and 8. The feeling of importance. All these desires can be gratified except last one and that is, “A feeling of importance or getting appreciated and loved.” Always make the other person feel important. The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature and the deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. It is this urge that differentiates us from the animals. It is this urge that has been responsible for civilization itself. This appreciation should be sincere without any flattery. Flattery is shallow, selfish and insincere and will not work with discerning people. He who can do this has the whole world with him.
To make good impression, the first act is to smile at people. This smile should be genuine and should come from the bottom of the heart. We should not fear being misunderstood but should fix in our mind firmly what we would like to do. Preserve a right mental attitude of courage, frankness, and good cheer after that every sincere prayer gets answered. Our smile is a messenger of our good will which brightens the lives of all who see it. Our smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds. Especially when someone is under pressure, a smile can help him realize that all is not hopeless – that there is joy in the world.
Let us remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language. People like to be remembered by their names. Some of the things which make people like us are the fact that people are not interested in us. They are interested in themselves. If we are genuinely interested in any person, attention to the person who is speaking to us is very important. Nothing else is as flattering as that. This is also a secret of successful interview. Ask questions that other persons will enjoy answering. Encourage them to talk about themselves and their accomplishments. People prefer to listen to those who talk about what interests them. Talking in terms of the other person's interests pays off for both parties.
Our way of thinking is the only way to win the people. First rule is we must avoid arguments. We can't win an argument. Suppose we triumph over the other man and prove that he is wrong. We will feel fine but we have made him feel inferior. We may achieve a victory we will never get his good will. We must show sympathetic desire to see the other person's viewpoint. Listen first. Give our opponents a chance to talk. Let them finish. Do not resist, defend or debate. This only raises barriers. Try to build bridges of understanding. Look for areas of agreement. Dwell first on the points and areas on which we agree. Promise to think over your opponents' ideas and study them carefully. Our opponents may be right. Postpone action to give both sides time to think through the problem. Apologize for your mistakes. Admit it if we are wrong. It will help disarm your opponents and reduce defensiveness. We will never get into trouble by admitting that we may be wrong. That will stop all argument and inspire your opponent to be just as fair and open and broad-minded as you are. It will make him want to admit that he, too, may be wrong. If we know positively that a person is wrong, and we bluntly tell him or her so, what happens? We create our immediate enemy. Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never say, "You're wrong." Always adopt friendly, sympathetic, appreciative approach and we can win any arguments. Gentleness and friendliness were always stronger than fury and force. The friendly approach and appreciation can make people change their minds more readily. Most of the people you will ever meet are hungering and thirsting for sympathy. Give it to them, and they will love you. Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires.
Some times it is important to allow other person to save his face. It is very important. We ride very rough over the feelings of others, getting our own way, finding fault, issuing threats, criticizing a child or an employee in front of others, without even considering the hurt to the other person's pride. Whereas a few minutes' thought, a considerate word or two, a genuine understanding of the other person's attitude, would go so far toward easing the sting! Always make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest.
Nagging is the deadliest. It always destroys and kills conjugal marital life. Does all this nagging and scolding and raging changes a person? Yes. It certainly changes his attitude toward his wife. Because it makes a person regret his unfortunate marriage and it makes him avoid her presence as much as possible. It brings nothing but tragedy into their lives and destroys all that they cherished most. So, if we want to keep our home life happy, never nag. Success in marriage is much more than a matter of finding the right person; it is also a matter of being the right person. Never interfere in their way of being happy themselves. Don’t try to change each other. Let them have their own private lives. Refrain from domestic criticism. Be considerate. Men should express their appreciation of a woman's effort to look well and dress well too. All men never realize that women are profoundly interested in clothes.
If a woman is to find happiness at all in her husband, she is to find it in his appreciation, and devotion. If that appreciation and devotion is genuine, there is the answer to his happiness also. Too many men underestimate the value of small, everyday attentions like reciprocating wife's waving good-bye to her husband when he goes to work in the morning and by remembering birthdays and anniversaries. Love passes through these small little things. Let us not neglect it. Rudeness is the cancer that devours love. Everyone knows this, yet it's notorious that we are more polite to strangers than we are to our own relatives. Courtesy is very important to marriage. We must shed our workaday troubles before we enter our homes. Many psychologist say failure in marriage occurs due to four reasons and these reasons are sexual maladjustments or incompatibilities, difference of opinion due to spending of leisure hours, financial difficulties and mental, physical and emotional abnormalities.
In a nutshell, values guide our decisions and so guide our lives and destiny. Those who know their values and live by them become leaders of our society. It is our commitment to values which make us exemplified individuals.
Some of the things most people want in their life include 1. Health and the preservation of life. 2. Food. 3. Sleep. 4. Money and the things money will buy. 5. Life in the hereafter. 6. Sexual gratification. 7. The well-being of our children and 8. The feeling of importance. All these desires can be gratified except last one and that is, “A feeling of importance or getting appreciated and loved.” Always make the other person feel important. The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature and the deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. It is this urge that differentiates us from the animals. It is this urge that has been responsible for civilization itself. This appreciation should be sincere without any flattery. Flattery is shallow, selfish and insincere and will not work with discerning people. He who can do this has the whole world with him.
To make good impression, the first act is to smile at people. This smile should be genuine and should come from the bottom of the heart. We should not fear being misunderstood but should fix in our mind firmly what we would like to do. Preserve a right mental attitude of courage, frankness, and good cheer after that every sincere prayer gets answered. Our smile is a messenger of our good will which brightens the lives of all who see it. Our smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds. Especially when someone is under pressure, a smile can help him realize that all is not hopeless – that there is joy in the world.
Let us remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language. People like to be remembered by their names. Some of the things which make people like us are the fact that people are not interested in us. They are interested in themselves. If we are genuinely interested in any person, attention to the person who is speaking to us is very important. Nothing else is as flattering as that. This is also a secret of successful interview. Ask questions that other persons will enjoy answering. Encourage them to talk about themselves and their accomplishments. People prefer to listen to those who talk about what interests them. Talking in terms of the other person's interests pays off for both parties.
Our way of thinking is the only way to win the people. First rule is we must avoid arguments. We can't win an argument. Suppose we triumph over the other man and prove that he is wrong. We will feel fine but we have made him feel inferior. We may achieve a victory we will never get his good will. We must show sympathetic desire to see the other person's viewpoint. Listen first. Give our opponents a chance to talk. Let them finish. Do not resist, defend or debate. This only raises barriers. Try to build bridges of understanding. Look for areas of agreement. Dwell first on the points and areas on which we agree. Promise to think over your opponents' ideas and study them carefully. Our opponents may be right. Postpone action to give both sides time to think through the problem. Apologize for your mistakes. Admit it if we are wrong. It will help disarm your opponents and reduce defensiveness. We will never get into trouble by admitting that we may be wrong. That will stop all argument and inspire your opponent to be just as fair and open and broad-minded as you are. It will make him want to admit that he, too, may be wrong. If we know positively that a person is wrong, and we bluntly tell him or her so, what happens? We create our immediate enemy. Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never say, "You're wrong." Always adopt friendly, sympathetic, appreciative approach and we can win any arguments. Gentleness and friendliness were always stronger than fury and force. The friendly approach and appreciation can make people change their minds more readily. Most of the people you will ever meet are hungering and thirsting for sympathy. Give it to them, and they will love you. Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires.
Some times it is important to allow other person to save his face. It is very important. We ride very rough over the feelings of others, getting our own way, finding fault, issuing threats, criticizing a child or an employee in front of others, without even considering the hurt to the other person's pride. Whereas a few minutes' thought, a considerate word or two, a genuine understanding of the other person's attitude, would go so far toward easing the sting! Always make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest.
Nagging is the deadliest. It always destroys and kills conjugal marital life. Does all this nagging and scolding and raging changes a person? Yes. It certainly changes his attitude toward his wife. Because it makes a person regret his unfortunate marriage and it makes him avoid her presence as much as possible. It brings nothing but tragedy into their lives and destroys all that they cherished most. So, if we want to keep our home life happy, never nag. Success in marriage is much more than a matter of finding the right person; it is also a matter of being the right person. Never interfere in their way of being happy themselves. Don’t try to change each other. Let them have their own private lives. Refrain from domestic criticism. Be considerate. Men should express their appreciation of a woman's effort to look well and dress well too. All men never realize that women are profoundly interested in clothes.
If a woman is to find happiness at all in her husband, she is to find it in his appreciation, and devotion. If that appreciation and devotion is genuine, there is the answer to his happiness also. Too many men underestimate the value of small, everyday attentions like reciprocating wife's waving good-bye to her husband when he goes to work in the morning and by remembering birthdays and anniversaries. Love passes through these small little things. Let us not neglect it. Rudeness is the cancer that devours love. Everyone knows this, yet it's notorious that we are more polite to strangers than we are to our own relatives. Courtesy is very important to marriage. We must shed our workaday troubles before we enter our homes. Many psychologist say failure in marriage occurs due to four reasons and these reasons are sexual maladjustments or incompatibilities, difference of opinion due to spending of leisure hours, financial difficulties and mental, physical and emotional abnormalities.
In a nutshell, values guide our decisions and so guide our lives and destiny. Those who know their values and live by them become leaders of our society. It is our commitment to values which make us exemplified individuals.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Those who believe that they have reached a dead end in their relationship are actually at the perfect point to turn things around. Whether you're struggling with a relationship stalemate or concerned about your long-distance relationship, can learn how to make up, stay together, and move forward toward real and lasting love. Development of relation takes place if some rules of relationship are followed.
The first golden rule of successful relationship is to accept the values and rules of the people with whom we share a relationship. The values include commitment of trust, love and care for each other. Every person has his own rules with whom we intimately involve which makes up their identity. It is also true that in some cases these rules will clash. If the rules of other persons are broken consistently, it brings stress in the relationship. Knowing other persons rules will ward off the danger of these clashes in advance.
The second golden rule is relationship is always demanding. There the subjects have to give each other rather than take from each other. If we decide to go into the relationship then we have to make ourselves ready to face challenge of giving rather than taking. If we are going into relationship expecting anything then this would work out against us.
The third golden rule is to look for signals. We have to look out for these signals in relationship, which have to be tackled immediately otherwise things may go out of hand. These signals are resistance, resentment, rejection and repression. The solution to these phases is communication between partners. Avoid confrontation at any cost. Talk in terms of preferences.
The fourth golden rule is to make relationship highest priority of life. Gradually other priorities which are not that urgent will give way to emotional intensity simply because we do not want to loose the relationship. This is power of relationship.
The fifth golden rule is to focus on how to make this relationship better each day rather then ending it. This rule is for married couple. If we want relationship to last then don’t ever threaten the relationship itself by saying if you do that then I am leaving. These statements create destabilizing fears. No matter how hurt or angry we feel, never to question if the relationship will last.
The sixth golden rule is to re-associate with what we love about a person. We have to reinforce feeling of connection and privilege of sharing life with the person we love. This pleasure should be felt intensely.
Apart from following these golden rules, we also have to learn the skill to handle people. It is very easy to make people like you and win their hearts but we cannot win them to our way of thinking. We can win them only by their way of thinking. It needs skill and understanding of psychology of the people to change them without giving offense and without arousing resentment.
The first golden rule of successful relationship is to accept the values and rules of the people with whom we share a relationship. The values include commitment of trust, love and care for each other. Every person has his own rules with whom we intimately involve which makes up their identity. It is also true that in some cases these rules will clash. If the rules of other persons are broken consistently, it brings stress in the relationship. Knowing other persons rules will ward off the danger of these clashes in advance.
The second golden rule is relationship is always demanding. There the subjects have to give each other rather than take from each other. If we decide to go into the relationship then we have to make ourselves ready to face challenge of giving rather than taking. If we are going into relationship expecting anything then this would work out against us.
The third golden rule is to look for signals. We have to look out for these signals in relationship, which have to be tackled immediately otherwise things may go out of hand. These signals are resistance, resentment, rejection and repression. The solution to these phases is communication between partners. Avoid confrontation at any cost. Talk in terms of preferences.
The fourth golden rule is to make relationship highest priority of life. Gradually other priorities which are not that urgent will give way to emotional intensity simply because we do not want to loose the relationship. This is power of relationship.
The fifth golden rule is to focus on how to make this relationship better each day rather then ending it. This rule is for married couple. If we want relationship to last then don’t ever threaten the relationship itself by saying if you do that then I am leaving. These statements create destabilizing fears. No matter how hurt or angry we feel, never to question if the relationship will last.
The sixth golden rule is to re-associate with what we love about a person. We have to reinforce feeling of connection and privilege of sharing life with the person we love. This pleasure should be felt intensely.
Apart from following these golden rules, we also have to learn the skill to handle people. It is very easy to make people like you and win their hearts but we cannot win them to our way of thinking. We can win them only by their way of thinking. It needs skill and understanding of psychology of the people to change them without giving offense and without arousing resentment.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Natural development of relationship has five stages. The first stage being becoming acquaintance where depending upon previous relationship, there physical proximity and their first impression, the two subjects meet each other and become friends, associates or colleague. There are several places of proximity like schools, colleges, workplace, playgrounds or cinema halls etc. The second stage is building up of this relationship where they begin to trust and care each other. During this stage they also try to find out compatibility and common grounds of agreements. The goal will also influence if they would interaction for prolonged period or not. This stage leads to third stage of mutual commitment to long term relationship as friends, romantic relationship or marriage. This follows long period of stable relationship but it needs strong base of mutual trust. The fourth stage is either upward spiral or deterioration of relationship depending upon if there is complete submersion of trust or breach of trust from any of the partner. The development of fourth stage happens due to many factors some of them are external and some are psychological.
The external reasons being high levels of stress where people are forced to work in undesirable working conditions, which lead to frustration and anger. This is topped by the family pressure, which aggravates the situation further. This leads to perilous situations, like divorce in case of married couples or complete cut-off or non association from either side.
Lack of time is the common story in every household. Couples do not have time for friends, family, children, and even for themselves. The cut throat competition in the professional field and the household responsibilities do not leave any time for the partners. Thus, the connection between the two begins to fade. The luster and spark in the relationship becomes low, leading to rather monotonous relationship.
One of the most widespread challenges in a relationship is the threat of infidelity or adultery in case of married couples. In the present scenario, both the partners are working and spend a major chunk of the time away from each other. Even the remaining time is utilized in taking take care of other responsibilities. This does not provide partners enough time to please each other physically and emotionally. This leads to attraction outside marriage.
Lack of communication widens gap between married couples in a relationship. It can lead to serious problems, if not taken care of in time. The result might be an increasing the distance between the partners, alienating them and making them indifferent towards each others feelings, desires and wants. Therefore, it is utterly necessary for the partners to communicate with each other on regular basis, so that they can relate with each other effectively.
Finance related issues are amongst the most common challenges faced by couples nowadays. In a relationship, couples are expected to manage and cooperate in the expenditure and savings of their wealth. However, difference in opinion, with relation to the above-mentioned facts, can really cause problems. If they are business partners then Ambiguity in ambitions, expectations and strategy, with respect to finances, can be hazardous for them.
The first sign of challenges in relationship is when both partners begin to feel resistance. Resistance occurs when we take exceptions or feel annoyed or feel separate from a person. Most people do not communicate if they feel sense of resistance and this emotion leads to resentment or anger. People who begin to feel separate start building emotional barriers. This leads to further destruction of relationship which if not communicated will give rise to rejection. At this point, each partner would start making his partner wrong for every small thing mounting verbal or non verbal attack. They start perceiving everything done by their partners annoying and irritating. At this state not only emotional separation occurs but physical separation as well. If this stage is allowed then this leads to repression. Both partners tired of coping with anger, create emotional numbness. They avoid feeling pain but also avoid passion and excitement. This is most dangerous phase of relationship because at this point lovers or husband wife become roommates. Nobody will notice any problem because they never fight but there is no relationship left. They isolate each other. These are psychological challenges for married couple, lovers or couple with live-in relationship.
The final stage marks the end of the relationship, in the case of a healthy relationship, or separation between two of them.
The relationship has to be nurtured by values and rules of peoples with whom we have relationship. There is a quote of Anthony Robbins which is so true about enduring relationship. It says “Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something: they're trying to find someone who's going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give and not a place that you go to take”.
The external reasons being high levels of stress where people are forced to work in undesirable working conditions, which lead to frustration and anger. This is topped by the family pressure, which aggravates the situation further. This leads to perilous situations, like divorce in case of married couples or complete cut-off or non association from either side.
Lack of time is the common story in every household. Couples do not have time for friends, family, children, and even for themselves. The cut throat competition in the professional field and the household responsibilities do not leave any time for the partners. Thus, the connection between the two begins to fade. The luster and spark in the relationship becomes low, leading to rather monotonous relationship.
One of the most widespread challenges in a relationship is the threat of infidelity or adultery in case of married couples. In the present scenario, both the partners are working and spend a major chunk of the time away from each other. Even the remaining time is utilized in taking take care of other responsibilities. This does not provide partners enough time to please each other physically and emotionally. This leads to attraction outside marriage.
Lack of communication widens gap between married couples in a relationship. It can lead to serious problems, if not taken care of in time. The result might be an increasing the distance between the partners, alienating them and making them indifferent towards each others feelings, desires and wants. Therefore, it is utterly necessary for the partners to communicate with each other on regular basis, so that they can relate with each other effectively.
Finance related issues are amongst the most common challenges faced by couples nowadays. In a relationship, couples are expected to manage and cooperate in the expenditure and savings of their wealth. However, difference in opinion, with relation to the above-mentioned facts, can really cause problems. If they are business partners then Ambiguity in ambitions, expectations and strategy, with respect to finances, can be hazardous for them.
The first sign of challenges in relationship is when both partners begin to feel resistance. Resistance occurs when we take exceptions or feel annoyed or feel separate from a person. Most people do not communicate if they feel sense of resistance and this emotion leads to resentment or anger. People who begin to feel separate start building emotional barriers. This leads to further destruction of relationship which if not communicated will give rise to rejection. At this point, each partner would start making his partner wrong for every small thing mounting verbal or non verbal attack. They start perceiving everything done by their partners annoying and irritating. At this state not only emotional separation occurs but physical separation as well. If this stage is allowed then this leads to repression. Both partners tired of coping with anger, create emotional numbness. They avoid feeling pain but also avoid passion and excitement. This is most dangerous phase of relationship because at this point lovers or husband wife become roommates. Nobody will notice any problem because they never fight but there is no relationship left. They isolate each other. These are psychological challenges for married couple, lovers or couple with live-in relationship.
The final stage marks the end of the relationship, in the case of a healthy relationship, or separation between two of them.
The relationship has to be nurtured by values and rules of peoples with whom we have relationship. There is a quote of Anthony Robbins which is so true about enduring relationship. It says “Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something: they're trying to find someone who's going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give and not a place that you go to take”.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Basic Concept of relationships
There are lots of stories we hear of about man meet woman, boy meets girl. They talk for a few minutes and then they become friends for their life. What is the psychology behind this relationship? Why we long for relationship?
We human beings are fundamentally social creature. The term human bond, or more generally human bonding, refers to the process or formation of a close personal relationship, especially through frequent or constant give and take of thoughts. When pairs have favorable bonds, the nature of this bonding is usually attributed to "good" interpersonal chemistry.
There are several types of inter personal relations some of them are social associations, connections and affiliations. They take place under different context like religious association, meetings, clubs, and neighborhood between families, friends of different genders. Families are also part of interpersonal relation in which people get associated with each other by genetics. Relationship can be established by marriage like husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, uncle by marriage etc.
They are casual, formal to enduring relationships depending how deep we feel about them. There may be informal or loving relationship or romantic with or without live in long term relationship.
Platonic love in its modern popular sense is an affectionate relationship into which the sexual element does not enter. It is also beyond gender relation and beyond caste. It is also above sexuality and based on strong love of divinity. Minds of both individuals are directed towards appreciation of beauty based on consideration of divinity.
Friendship is considered to be closer than personal relationship because of degree of intimacy associated with it. The reason being the value that is found in friendship. It is based on tendency to give what is best for other. Also friendships demands trust, respect and often love with unconditional acceptance of each other.
Internet friendship and pen pal are also one kind of relationship developed at a considerable distance with a person with whom we have never met, whom we only know from the pictures we sent each other, or through handwriting, and things written to each other. The psychology behind them is the loneliness or similarity of thoughts.
Soul mate is the kind of relationship in which one has feeling of deep natural affinity, love, spirituality and compatibility.
The status of relation depends upon how we communicate and feel upon them. They vary in differing levels of intimacy and sharing; implying the discovery or establishment of common ground, and may be centered on something shared in common. The credibility of the relation totally depends upon the interpretation of the message by the sender and the receiver. If the message is taken in the wrong way then it is detrimental to the relation.
Interpersonal relationships are dynamic systems that change continuously during their existence. Like living organisms, relationships have a beginning, a lifespan, and an end. They tend to grow and improve gradually, as people get to know each other and become closer emotionally, or they gradually deteriorate as people drift apart, move on with their lives and form new relationships with others. The natural development of a relationship has five stages and these five stages are as follows.
1) Acquaintance
2) Build-up
3) Continuation
4) Deterioration
5) Termination
Success is worthless if we do not have someone to share with it. Our most desired human emotion is to connect with other people. These relations shape our character, values, beliefs and the quality of our life. So let us create special moments that can make our relationship a role model, the one that is legendary.
We human beings are fundamentally social creature. The term human bond, or more generally human bonding, refers to the process or formation of a close personal relationship, especially through frequent or constant give and take of thoughts. When pairs have favorable bonds, the nature of this bonding is usually attributed to "good" interpersonal chemistry.
There are several types of inter personal relations some of them are social associations, connections and affiliations. They take place under different context like religious association, meetings, clubs, and neighborhood between families, friends of different genders. Families are also part of interpersonal relation in which people get associated with each other by genetics. Relationship can be established by marriage like husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, uncle by marriage etc.
They are casual, formal to enduring relationships depending how deep we feel about them. There may be informal or loving relationship or romantic with or without live in long term relationship.
Platonic love in its modern popular sense is an affectionate relationship into which the sexual element does not enter. It is also beyond gender relation and beyond caste. It is also above sexuality and based on strong love of divinity. Minds of both individuals are directed towards appreciation of beauty based on consideration of divinity.
Friendship is considered to be closer than personal relationship because of degree of intimacy associated with it. The reason being the value that is found in friendship. It is based on tendency to give what is best for other. Also friendships demands trust, respect and often love with unconditional acceptance of each other.
Internet friendship and pen pal are also one kind of relationship developed at a considerable distance with a person with whom we have never met, whom we only know from the pictures we sent each other, or through handwriting, and things written to each other. The psychology behind them is the loneliness or similarity of thoughts.
Soul mate is the kind of relationship in which one has feeling of deep natural affinity, love, spirituality and compatibility.
The status of relation depends upon how we communicate and feel upon them. They vary in differing levels of intimacy and sharing; implying the discovery or establishment of common ground, and may be centered on something shared in common. The credibility of the relation totally depends upon the interpretation of the message by the sender and the receiver. If the message is taken in the wrong way then it is detrimental to the relation.
Interpersonal relationships are dynamic systems that change continuously during their existence. Like living organisms, relationships have a beginning, a lifespan, and an end. They tend to grow and improve gradually, as people get to know each other and become closer emotionally, or they gradually deteriorate as people drift apart, move on with their lives and form new relationships with others. The natural development of a relationship has five stages and these five stages are as follows.
1) Acquaintance
2) Build-up
3) Continuation
4) Deterioration
5) Termination
Success is worthless if we do not have someone to share with it. Our most desired human emotion is to connect with other people. These relations shape our character, values, beliefs and the quality of our life. So let us create special moments that can make our relationship a role model, the one that is legendary.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The name Manipur Chakra defines it as seat of shining palace. It is also called naval plexus where ten nerves conjoin to form a plexus. These nerves connect with Lever, spleen, small intestine, large intestine, heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, Gall bladder, adrenal glands, lower and middle back etc. It is connecting almost all the vital parts of our body and most important, it is most visible Chakra or plexus to our naked eye.
The Manipur Chakra is at the center of the body. It is the largest energy center in our body, influencing the digestion process in two ways. Firstly it helps assimilation of food and secondly strengthens universal life force i.e. Prana. It is from this plexus that universal life force radiates and distributes throughout our body system, regulating and energizing the activity of the various organs, systems and processes of life. At physical level a poorly managed Manipur Chakra pulls downs vitality of the body, increases nervousness and depression of a person.
It governs the sense of accomplishment, will, ego, vital energies, seed of personality, self esteem, confidence or insecurity, personal power, being self. It is also the Astral center of a person. The mind sets personal boundaries of what we can do and what we cannot do. The energy level is constantly changing at this plexus and therefore it is also the center of transformation.
Our personal growth and change stems from this center. The more it is balanced the more we are balanced in our work and accomplishments. An imbalance at this center takes away our ability to put idea into action. Also we may not understand situation and our role into it. A poorly managed Manipur Chakra gives inflated ego and self righteous behavior.
Awakening of this Chakra is nothing but unblocking of all conjoining nerves thus bringing balance to the energy that is generated at this Chakra. It is at this Chakra we become truly human if the consciousness or awareness which was preoccupied with personal matters transforms into universal awareness. The emotions become more subtle and richer. It is very important for person to exercise control over these emotions as these can bring great influences on the world and people around them.
It is at this plexus, the meditator can acquire the powers of “ESP”. It is at this Chakra one can experience emergence of ability of extra sensory perceptions. This ability of extra sensory perceptions makes a person hear extra sounds and other voices. It is also possible that subtle temptations may take over a person and he may fall for money, sex and power thus blocking his development.
Other than physical body or human body shell, we all possess universal life force shell, Thought or mind shell, Intellectuality shell and Transcendental Cosmic shell. All these bodies are subtler then each other. Transcendental Cosmic Shell is subtlest. All these bodies are connected with each other at this plexus. When we die except our physical body, all other bodies get disconnected and go their own way.
The Manipur Chakra is at the center of the body. It is the largest energy center in our body, influencing the digestion process in two ways. Firstly it helps assimilation of food and secondly strengthens universal life force i.e. Prana. It is from this plexus that universal life force radiates and distributes throughout our body system, regulating and energizing the activity of the various organs, systems and processes of life. At physical level a poorly managed Manipur Chakra pulls downs vitality of the body, increases nervousness and depression of a person.
It governs the sense of accomplishment, will, ego, vital energies, seed of personality, self esteem, confidence or insecurity, personal power, being self. It is also the Astral center of a person. The mind sets personal boundaries of what we can do and what we cannot do. The energy level is constantly changing at this plexus and therefore it is also the center of transformation.
Our personal growth and change stems from this center. The more it is balanced the more we are balanced in our work and accomplishments. An imbalance at this center takes away our ability to put idea into action. Also we may not understand situation and our role into it. A poorly managed Manipur Chakra gives inflated ego and self righteous behavior.
Awakening of this Chakra is nothing but unblocking of all conjoining nerves thus bringing balance to the energy that is generated at this Chakra. It is at this Chakra we become truly human if the consciousness or awareness which was preoccupied with personal matters transforms into universal awareness. The emotions become more subtle and richer. It is very important for person to exercise control over these emotions as these can bring great influences on the world and people around them.
It is at this plexus, the meditator can acquire the powers of “ESP”. It is at this Chakra one can experience emergence of ability of extra sensory perceptions. This ability of extra sensory perceptions makes a person hear extra sounds and other voices. It is also possible that subtle temptations may take over a person and he may fall for money, sex and power thus blocking his development.
Other than physical body or human body shell, we all possess universal life force shell, Thought or mind shell, Intellectuality shell and Transcendental Cosmic shell. All these bodies are subtler then each other. Transcendental Cosmic Shell is subtlest. All these bodies are connected with each other at this plexus. When we die except our physical body, all other bodies get disconnected and go their own way.
Manipur Chakra,
universal life force
Saturday, March 6, 2010
The word yoga suggests union between mind, body and spirit. The appropriateness is not in meaning of the word but establishing connection of mind with individual cosmic consciousness and then with universal cosmic consciousness to attain spiritual enlightenment.
It is subject of great debate for a layman to decide starting point in yoga practice, as there are eight sections or extensions to manage body, mind and emotions. It all depends on temperament, constitution of mind and capacity to absorb techniques and philosophies of each individual. Everybody has to decide his own starting point to progress on this path of enlightenment. Each person has to decide his own direction and how he is going to reach there.
With balancing also comes the mastering of feelings and thoughts. The eight sections or extensions on which the whole system of yoga is founded are as follows.
1) Yama------------Abstaining from all form of evilness and falsehood.
2) Niyama----------Observance of mind
3) Asanas----------Postures
4) Prayanama-------Breathing exercises or mastering universal life force.
5) Pratyahara------Withdrawal of mind.
6) Dharna----------Concentration.
7) Dhyana----------Meditation.
8) Samadhi---------Absorption in pure consciousness.
To connect with individual cosmic consciousness, one has to manage mind and then body. There are special techniques to bring mind, body and spirit in perfect harmony. These techniques include no only toning the muscles and joints but entire endocrine system to vitalize them. While using exercise techniques, philosophical techniques are required to condition mind by cultivating universal love, wisdom and compassion. Also powerful breathing techniques are used to recharge whole body system with universal life force energy. Last but not the least, meditation techniques are used t o bring inner peace, allowing mind to explore higher realms of consciousness.
Meditation is nothing but a process of reversing the mind, of finding cause to the appearance and the cause to the cause till it reaches deepest truth. The necessary preliminary stage is to concentrate on an object element, then to concentrate intensely to take it far off till it reaches it object. There are four stages of concentration. The first stage is examination stage, where the mind becomes concentrated with the element. The second stage is distinction state where the outer surface of the element is penetrated. The third stage is the joyful peace, where we start experiencing perceptions with inner peace and fourth stage is simple awareness of individual cosmic spirit.
It is said that there are five shells or covers on the soul. These five layered existence of human being is as follows.
1) Annamaya Kosha---------------Human body shell.
2) Pranamaya Kosha--------------Universal life force shell
3) Manomaya Kosha---------------Thought or mind shell
4) Vidnyanamaya Kosha-----------Intellectuality shell.
5) Anandamaya Kosha-------------Transcendental cosmic shell.
All these techniques help breaking one shell after another, allowing conscious energy of our mind to flow through them; till it reaches transcendental cosmic shell to experience transcendental unity of mind with individual cosmic spirit.
Once this path of enlightenment is established, our mind undergoes process of forethought, where emotional and psychological conditioning is necessary to control consciousness flowing through body senses. Once conscious energy attains enlightenment, then no purpose of these senses is left for the soul. This is the state of liberation.
It is subject of great debate for a layman to decide starting point in yoga practice, as there are eight sections or extensions to manage body, mind and emotions. It all depends on temperament, constitution of mind and capacity to absorb techniques and philosophies of each individual. Everybody has to decide his own starting point to progress on this path of enlightenment. Each person has to decide his own direction and how he is going to reach there.
With balancing also comes the mastering of feelings and thoughts. The eight sections or extensions on which the whole system of yoga is founded are as follows.
1) Yama------------Abstaining from all form of evilness and falsehood.
2) Niyama----------Observance of mind
3) Asanas----------Postures
4) Prayanama-------Breathing exercises or mastering universal life force.
5) Pratyahara------Withdrawal of mind.
6) Dharna----------Concentration.
7) Dhyana----------Meditation.
8) Samadhi---------Absorption in pure consciousness.
To connect with individual cosmic consciousness, one has to manage mind and then body. There are special techniques to bring mind, body and spirit in perfect harmony. These techniques include no only toning the muscles and joints but entire endocrine system to vitalize them. While using exercise techniques, philosophical techniques are required to condition mind by cultivating universal love, wisdom and compassion. Also powerful breathing techniques are used to recharge whole body system with universal life force energy. Last but not the least, meditation techniques are used t o bring inner peace, allowing mind to explore higher realms of consciousness.
Meditation is nothing but a process of reversing the mind, of finding cause to the appearance and the cause to the cause till it reaches deepest truth. The necessary preliminary stage is to concentrate on an object element, then to concentrate intensely to take it far off till it reaches it object. There are four stages of concentration. The first stage is examination stage, where the mind becomes concentrated with the element. The second stage is distinction state where the outer surface of the element is penetrated. The third stage is the joyful peace, where we start experiencing perceptions with inner peace and fourth stage is simple awareness of individual cosmic spirit.
It is said that there are five shells or covers on the soul. These five layered existence of human being is as follows.
1) Annamaya Kosha---------------Human body shell.
2) Pranamaya Kosha--------------Universal life force shell
3) Manomaya Kosha---------------Thought or mind shell
4) Vidnyanamaya Kosha-----------Intellectuality shell.
5) Anandamaya Kosha-------------Transcendental cosmic shell.
All these techniques help breaking one shell after another, allowing conscious energy of our mind to flow through them; till it reaches transcendental cosmic shell to experience transcendental unity of mind with individual cosmic spirit.
Once this path of enlightenment is established, our mind undergoes process of forethought, where emotional and psychological conditioning is necessary to control consciousness flowing through body senses. Once conscious energy attains enlightenment, then no purpose of these senses is left for the soul. This is the state of liberation.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Due to Scientific research, we all share the knowledge about how evolution of human body takes place through conception of male spermatozoa and female ovules within human bodies. Probably what we do not know that apart from being judged as mere physical matter, at sublime level it is just a shell or an abode to the most powerful and dynamic element called soul, an omnipresence of individual consciousness.
Our sustenance in this world depends on two life force energies, one called universal life force energy and another called universal cosmic energy. In eastern scriptures, universal life force energy is called “Prana Shakti” and universal cosmic energy is called “Kundalini Shakti”.
Universal life force energy plays active and passive role depending upon her flow through different plexus and also because of her adaptability to any kind of environment we live in. Thus this life force plays multi dimensional role and appears different at physical, psychological and emotional level of all human being. However universal cosmic energy has singular role of bringing sense of awareness or so called sense of being with.
The flow of these two energies is regulated through three nerves running from base of spinal cord to the head connecting all plexus through complex network of nerves. In eastern scriptures these three nerves are called “Ida”, “Pingala” and “Sushumna” or “Moon”, “Sun” and “Cosmic” nerve. The most important role of life force is to connect mind and body by infusing dynamism at all levels of mind and body. Not only our mind and body but this entire universe is live, active and flowing in rhythm due to this life force. Flowing in through right nostril and flowing out through left nostril completes the circuit of one breath of life force. At physical level although it takes few seconds to complete one breath, but that is enough for this life force which travels with speed of light, through main seven plexus and thousands of nerves; to charge billions of cells in our body, making them dynamic and active.
There are chiefly seven plexus in our body which are as follows.
1) Pelvic Plexus or Root Plexus or Muladhar Chakra.
2) Hypo gastric Plexus or Sacral Plexus or Swadhisthan Chakra.
3) Epigastric Plexus or Solar Plexus or Manipur Chakra.
4) Cardiac Plexus or Heart Plexus or Anahat Chakra.
5) Carotid Plexus or Vishudha Chakra.
6) Medulla Plexus or Adnya Chakra.
7) Cerebral Plexus or Sahastraar Chakra.
This energy is the last link between mind and body completing the circle by being as spirit between mind and body. Located at the root of spinal cord, it is said that universal cosmic energy is like serpent power, lying curled, with her tail into her mouth, sleeping below cosmic nerve in locked state, her head pointing towards downward direction. As long as it is sleeping, we loose many psychic powers available to manage natural balance between physical, psychological and emotional subtleties of our mind and body. However if this cosmic energy is awakened by meditation, breathing or any kind of yogic exercises and is allowed to enter cosmic nerve or Sushumna nerve, it rises on the top of the head and unites with the seat of universal cosmic consciousness.
Her awakening completely changes not only body but thoroughly changes emotional and psychological aspects of a person. When the veil of delusion is peeled away and the shell is broken, then the true innermost self is revealed. The mind ends its constant wavering between regrets of the past and uncertain future and comes to present moment. It is here one can experience higher plane of consciousness unknown to mankind.
This awakening process is not simple that can be brought in an hour. It has to be earned through years and years of meditation, breathing and postural exercises. Also several principles have to be adhered to experience this journey of self fulfillment. Important among them is self discipline which includes refraining from immorality, regular practice, truthfulness, non-violence and celibacy. Eating pure vegetarian food and drinking lot of water keeps body light and also keeps our mind calm. Sex brings attachment but complete suppression is also not necessary. It should be reduced and controlled as much as possible. Sleeping required by the body should be given. Relaxation of mind to release tension, stress, fear and worry is important to increase inner concentration and greater awareness. Positive thinking, patience and gentleness are other principles one has to follow to bring greater inner awareness about thought, speech and action to succeed in life.
However this duration can be shortened if it is done under expert instructor who himself should be down to earth, has attained enlightenment with universal cosmic consciousness and can warn his student indulging in any kind of adventures to refrain from it. Self realization is not a point but a process which connects us with timeless eternity where there is pure joy and an experience of nothingness.
Our sustenance in this world depends on two life force energies, one called universal life force energy and another called universal cosmic energy. In eastern scriptures, universal life force energy is called “Prana Shakti” and universal cosmic energy is called “Kundalini Shakti”.
Universal life force energy plays active and passive role depending upon her flow through different plexus and also because of her adaptability to any kind of environment we live in. Thus this life force plays multi dimensional role and appears different at physical, psychological and emotional level of all human being. However universal cosmic energy has singular role of bringing sense of awareness or so called sense of being with.
The flow of these two energies is regulated through three nerves running from base of spinal cord to the head connecting all plexus through complex network of nerves. In eastern scriptures these three nerves are called “Ida”, “Pingala” and “Sushumna” or “Moon”, “Sun” and “Cosmic” nerve. The most important role of life force is to connect mind and body by infusing dynamism at all levels of mind and body. Not only our mind and body but this entire universe is live, active and flowing in rhythm due to this life force. Flowing in through right nostril and flowing out through left nostril completes the circuit of one breath of life force. At physical level although it takes few seconds to complete one breath, but that is enough for this life force which travels with speed of light, through main seven plexus and thousands of nerves; to charge billions of cells in our body, making them dynamic and active.
There are chiefly seven plexus in our body which are as follows.
1) Pelvic Plexus or Root Plexus or Muladhar Chakra.
2) Hypo gastric Plexus or Sacral Plexus or Swadhisthan Chakra.
3) Epigastric Plexus or Solar Plexus or Manipur Chakra.
4) Cardiac Plexus or Heart Plexus or Anahat Chakra.
5) Carotid Plexus or Vishudha Chakra.
6) Medulla Plexus or Adnya Chakra.
7) Cerebral Plexus or Sahastraar Chakra.
This energy is the last link between mind and body completing the circle by being as spirit between mind and body. Located at the root of spinal cord, it is said that universal cosmic energy is like serpent power, lying curled, with her tail into her mouth, sleeping below cosmic nerve in locked state, her head pointing towards downward direction. As long as it is sleeping, we loose many psychic powers available to manage natural balance between physical, psychological and emotional subtleties of our mind and body. However if this cosmic energy is awakened by meditation, breathing or any kind of yogic exercises and is allowed to enter cosmic nerve or Sushumna nerve, it rises on the top of the head and unites with the seat of universal cosmic consciousness.
Her awakening completely changes not only body but thoroughly changes emotional and psychological aspects of a person. When the veil of delusion is peeled away and the shell is broken, then the true innermost self is revealed. The mind ends its constant wavering between regrets of the past and uncertain future and comes to present moment. It is here one can experience higher plane of consciousness unknown to mankind.
This awakening process is not simple that can be brought in an hour. It has to be earned through years and years of meditation, breathing and postural exercises. Also several principles have to be adhered to experience this journey of self fulfillment. Important among them is self discipline which includes refraining from immorality, regular practice, truthfulness, non-violence and celibacy. Eating pure vegetarian food and drinking lot of water keeps body light and also keeps our mind calm. Sex brings attachment but complete suppression is also not necessary. It should be reduced and controlled as much as possible. Sleeping required by the body should be given. Relaxation of mind to release tension, stress, fear and worry is important to increase inner concentration and greater awareness. Positive thinking, patience and gentleness are other principles one has to follow to bring greater inner awareness about thought, speech and action to succeed in life.
However this duration can be shortened if it is done under expert instructor who himself should be down to earth, has attained enlightenment with universal cosmic consciousness and can warn his student indulging in any kind of adventures to refrain from it. Self realization is not a point but a process which connects us with timeless eternity where there is pure joy and an experience of nothingness.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Mere Shyam

मैं अपने पियाको शाम बना, हर पल उसकी राधा बन जाऊ,
नैनोसे जब वो मुझको छुए, पलमे हीं सदीयां जी आऊं.
मैं अपने पियाको हीर बना, हर पल उसका रान्झा बन जाऊ,
पल पल जब प्यारमे वो तड्पे, हर पल उसकी तड्पन बन जाऊ.
मैं अपने पियाको दीप बना, इक प्रेम पतंगा मै बन जाऊ,
जब हसके वो रोशनी बिखरे, चुपकेसे मैं उसमे जल जाऊ,
मैं अपने पियाको फूल बना, खुशबुकी तरहा उसमे बस जाऊ,
उसकॆ मुखकी शोभा बनकर, जिवनके लिये दासी बन जाऊ,
मैं अपने पियाको कलम बना, हर प्रेमका मैं अनुभव कर पाऊ,
हर सांसपे उसका नाम लिखकर, राधाकी तरहा अमर बन जाऊ,
Sunday, February 14, 2010

What is “Karma”? It is a natural act or deed done through free will. Expression of free will brings into being with embodiment of soul in our body. Free will is a kind of stimulation to produce thought at conscious or subconscious level with full awareness of our ego working through our senses. Such deeds or acts create results some times positive, some times negative. This is nature’s law of Karma. Every deed carries its results, which is binding to the entity that does this act. Our life acts as platform where these acts and deeds are staged.
An act is done and the result is also there but sometimes we are happy about it because they were as per our expectations. Some times we are sad as the results are not as per our expectation. These emotions were based on awareness of results. Since we are attached to awareness of act and results, these results reflect on us. An Array of the free will, act of the deed, result of action, the awareness of result and emotions of pain and pleasure gets created due to dynamism of conscious energy. The sovereign authority, which exercises law of attachment is nothing but soul. And the entity which balances there flow of chain reaction at subtle level is the energy of the soul called conscious energy.
Not only this energy acts as dynamic medium through which free flow of energy elements of soul takes place; all of them exchange energy between each other immaterial of whether they are living or non living aspects or just abstract memory of any particular event.
Thus conscious energy plays very important role to complete the process of give and take in this world. Our dead body abandoned by soul, disintegrates into five elements chiefly responsible for creation of life and its living process. Following breakdown, they merge back into their parent elements from where they materialize. After loosing his power to act, free floating soul after leaving body, traveling through different ethereal layers, is sent to suitable place of rest where it awaits to take another birth to restart this give and take process all over again.
Once born, the soul regains power of free will and power to act. The soul starts its give and take process. Not only images but sounds with matching emotions of our past memories are transferred to the brain through neuron pathway. From there, through different plexus or charkas; they are taken to different parts of the body where they rest subtly on Meta physical body. Conscious energy flowing through motor nerves of the brain, trigger an event. First emotions are awakened and then the event takes place. These events could be associated with any aspect of life like health, education, marriage, travel, purchase of property, occurrence of diseases, romantic affairs outside marriage, recognization in society, jobs we may do, budding friends, litigation, death due to natural reasons or accidents etc.
If soul follows law of attachment so it also follows law of detachment. However it needs altogether different paradigm of awareness of not me but him. When the act is done with affirmation that this is not mine but his act and his result, conscious energy does not attaches results to the soul. Even though the act is caused through free will, the flow of energy cannot take place together through all these aspects. As all the entities cannot be linked, the flow of chain effect is broken. The result is stopped. This is law of detachment.
This holds true for those karmas or acts done with rational thoughts, perceptions and balanced emotions, which we are aware of or have done consciously with free will. But how to get rid of accumulated karma’s of past life? There are several views in different religions about how the soul can purify by getting rid of accumulated past karmas. Accumulated emotions, images in the form of past memories can be released one by one from Meta physical body immaterial of how old they are, through meditation.
Spirituality is nothing but being not only in present but to large extent it teaches us to live for every moment of life with divine joy and happiness. Meditation is nothing but attempt to be for that moment, detaching oneself from his past and future.
Alternatively there is another method by which additional karmas generated through karmic relations with father, mother, brother, sister, husband or children can be neutralized by method called breach of spiritual contract. Breaching spiritual contract frees our soul from the results of these additional karmas which we generally negotiate unintended. After breach of spiritual contract, even thought we free ourselves from additional karma, surprisingly the relationships between them become more natural and divine.
As per infallible law of responsibility, we alone are responsible for all our deeds. That is the reason what we sow, we reap. However miracle happens due to god’s direct involvement. God does not make one suffer for no reason nor does he make one happy for no reason. God is very fair and gives us exactly what we deserve.
Doing our Karma is like throwing dice on the life’s play board with eye on getting winning numbers. But mystery unfolds only when the dice is thrown. Ultimately it is the eternal time who decides whether we should be rewarded or punished.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Swadhisthana Chakra

Some times I wonder why some people are more creative and sensual than others and from where do they get this creativity. Why their minds are so bubbling with creative ideas that storm this whole world which gets mesmerized with it? The answer though simple has deep subtleties of conscious energy that works through a conjoining plexus of six nerves located just above our genital organs called sacral plexus or Swadhisthana Chakra.
Swadhisthana Chakra or sacral or pubic plexus which conjoins six nerves and whose chief element being water, the element of life, is responsible for creativity, pure knowledge, inspiration, sexual desire, expressive emotions and power of concentration. As far as body endocrine system is concerned, it is directly correlated to male spermatozoa and female ovules. It also controls the sense of taste as well as blood circulation system all over the body.
Writers write and the painters paint because they must, what they have in common is the expression of creative power. These are activities pertinent to Swadhisthana Chakra where pleasure is defined according to our karma’s. Swadhisthana Chakra is chiefly responsible for giving results of our karmic deeds. Equilibrium in Swadhisthana Chakra brings harmony between couples but disequilibrium not only causes disharmony in the couple but brings physical weaknesses like diabetes, heart diseases, lever problem. A weak Swadhisthana Chakra may manifest in chronic pelvic pain, lower back pain, bladder problem. Inability to manifest goals and fantasy without realism are signs of weak Swadhisthana Chakra.
When we say Chakra they are not just static plexuses but are very dynamic. It is the point at which physical and astral bodies are connected with each other. When a person sleeps, conscious energy of his subconscious mind loosens his astral body and projects it to any aspect of his present life.
The energy of Swadhisthana Chakra is very powerful. He who concentrates and meditates on this Chakra has no fear of water. He gets many psychic powers, intuitional knowledge and perfect control over his senses. He has full knowledge of astral entities and gets astral vision to see these entities. His carnal desires, anger, jealousy, attachment and other impure qualities automatically get dissolved.
When I was studying astrology, the first house of the astrological chart represents our body and the seventh house of the chart represents his life partner, his employer, his second son and for traders his creditors. There are several other aspects that are represented by seventh house but what I would like to emphasize is our Swadhisthana Chakra is itself representative of seventh house which can predict many aspects of the life.
Conjugal marital relationships between two partners are karmic but how we behave in them is by individual choice. Sexual preferences are biological need of the body but how we exercise them is our choice. Anybody can develop spiritual capabilities beyond what is available to them through karma. Again developing this ability is a matter of choice.
Sunday, January 3, 2010

We encounter or come across different events. These events bring new experiences. They also educate us with knowledge to derive meaning from these events. Can we interpret these events? The meaning they carry and the lesson we should derive is left to us. Nobody can force us to deduce or derive the meaning we should carry.
If the meaning derived is negative then it leaves negative impact on our mind. It weakens us or challenges our natural defense system, limiting our success is whatever thing we do.
What is required at that time is to do serious introspection of our belief system. We have to check all our positive and negative belief one by one because that is the time we need to change them. If we observe positive belief which needs strengthening then we have to strengthen them or if we have negative belief then we have to question the reference experience. The references on which they stand or the certainty associated with it, starts crumbling thus shaking them from their core. Ultimately if we start questioning their existence in our life, they become weak.
Possibly it takes longer time for those beliefs which have longer permanence in our subconscious mind or if we have taken beliefs from other references, then due to generalization they become pervasive. Still more there could be beliefs which might have turned personal due to our helplessness to remove them.
If we believe that this is temporary problem and would pass soon then sooner or later, our efforts starts bearing fruits and over a period of time, we become achievers. Whatever type or belief pattern these negative beliefs we carry in our subconscious mind, the only way to conquer them is to question their validity in our lives.
1) If these beliefs don’t give any financial gain then what is the point in
carrying them?
2) If these beliefs don’t give any confidence then what is the point in
following them?
3) If we don’t give up these negative beliefs then the loss will be heavy.
4) Will these negative beliefs bring emotional stability in my life?
5) If I don’t give up these beliefs then it might bring tremendous loss to my
loved ones.
There are also ways to strengthen positive beliefs or they need to be strengthened because these beliefs keep power to change our lives.
Once the change occurs or if we notice change in our behavior pattern, then it is important to reinforce the change which should last life long. Unless we take precautions to oversee the change, we may go back to old habits depending upon how chronic the belief is.
There are many techniques to remove old beliefs and reinforce the new beliefs. Many of us might not be aware of these techniques which may include self hypnotism, Auto suggestion, and psychological therapies. Some of the therapies take longer time and some take very short time. Each therapy needs skill to understand our own mind and values and beliefs attached to it. What is important is whatever time we devote to understand and analyze them; the change they bring in should upgrade our lives and should empower us with unlimited success and happiness.
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